Page 41 of Nigel
"I had to. I amsure he is over it by now. He is probably seeing someone else-"She almost choked at that. "It's fine."
"Only you arenot." He turned her to face him. "You are not yourself andI noticed that a week ago when I saw you. You are always mouthing offabout something and you seem like a shadow. The guy was not the onlyone affected. You are - big time."
"I cannot be,"she whispered hoarsely. "I cannot be with someone like him."
"Because of themoney."
"Yes. You knowhow I feel-"
"And that isridiculous. You are discriminating."
"Well." Shejerked her face away and leaned back against the cushions. "Itis how I feel."
"You areprepared to throw something special away because of your hang ups.Does that make any sense?" he demanded.
"It does to me."She watched as Chloe jumped to try and grab the can of soda fromMichael's hand and the laughter between them. "He made me startyearning for children- for a life with him." The tears wereglittering in her eyes. "It is too late for me."
"That is purenonsense and you know it." His anger had her turning to look athim. "You spent years building a damn company and then takingcare of mama. Now you are getting a chance to be with someone - tofind some sort of happiness and you are throwing it away? I nevertook you for a coward."
"Watch it."She glowered at him.
"Dammit Ava! Youran away. And what good is it doing you? You are pining for the guy.I have never seen you affected like this before. Which meanssomething. And you are willing to throw it away?"
"He might havemoved on," she ventured.
"And he might beas messed up as you obviously are. You can find out."
"He might notwant to see me," she edged.
"That's apossibility. After you ground him into the dust. You might have togrovel."
Her eyes glittered."I don't grovel."
"There comes atime dear sister when all of us have to, one time or another."He looked over to where Dahlia was sitting with a plate of foodbalanced on her knees and poking at Jeffry. "I had to recentlyafter I lit into her about not using a different method of protectionor not saying anything to me.
She was scared andpregnant and I was an asshole. Some groveling was in order." Heturned to look back at her. "I have always wanted you to findsomeone to go home to. You need that. Yes, you have us, but at theend of it, you go home by yourself. This might just be your chance toremedy that."
"I am notlonely."
He cut her a glance."Did I say that? Listen to me and climb off that independenthorse you have going on. Find the guy, tell him how you feel and goon from there. Don't just throw it away without giving him a chance."
"He might notwant to see me,” she repeated.
"Then march yourfine self to his office without giving him a chance to say no."
"I don't-"
"Do you wanthim?"
She closed her eyesbriefly and took a breath. "Yes."
"Then go andfind him."
"He might be outof town."
Kyle took severaldeep breaths before responding. "You can find out if he is. It'svery simple. And I do not want to hear anything more. Is that clear?"
"Yes." Shenodded. "I am scared."