Page 39 of Nigel
Dahlia stared at herwith a frown. "At least, I thought you did."
"It was not aconscious decision. Or not an outright one. I was trying to make a goof my company and it took time and effort and then mama got sick andI had to be there for her. It had to be me, because the others werebusy with their lives and they helped out, but I was the one who wasthere."
"You sacrificedeverything for her."
"She sacrificedeverything for us." She sighed wearily. "It's fine. This isnot about me."
"Honey, Kyle andI will get through this, but there is something going on with you.Tell me."
"It's nothing."
"Don't make mehurt you."
Ava smiled at that."There was someone."
"Was? You neversaid you were seeing anyone."
"It was a flash.We just met and things happened rapidly. He is some rich guy and nowit's over."
"Just likethat?"
"Yes." Shetook up another fry even though her appetite was diminishing. "Itold him I needed time and said some unforgivable things," shesighed wearily. "It's over."
"It sounds farfrom over."
"It has to be.We are not suited and I have to be real about it."
"Who is he?"
Ava shook her head."I cannot tell you that. It's complicated. He is rich - Uberrich and he is- was a client."
"And you had sexwith a client? That's not like you."
"No. It justhappened and I am messed up about it. And now, I would like to changethe subject."
She shook her head."I cannot talk about it anymore."
"Okay. Let's goback to me and my predicament."
"Tell him assoon as possible. He would want that."
He buried himself inwork. It was not difficult to do, considering that he had a lot onhis plate. He sat in the board meeting and forced himself to beinvolved, but at odd times he would find his mind wandering. He hadgone upstairs which had been a mistake. The tangled sheets, the scentof sex and her perfume, still lingered inside the room.
He had been the foolwho had sat on the edge of the bed and crushed the pillow that hadsupported her head to his face to inhale her scent.
He had felt theyearning and for a few minutes had just wallowed. He was in a bad wayand that was obvious. He had walked into his office, with barely anod to his assistant and had growled at her when she came in to findout if he needed anything.
He had not apologizedbut had made some half ass comment about being tired. And he was - hehad stayed up all night and was paying for it now.
Several cups ofcoffee had not done the trick.
Now he was on his wayto New York to meet with an associate of his. More of a friend thananything else. Tommy Givans and his wife Sheila could get his mindoff the funk.