Page 32 of Nigel
"I will take it.Ready?" He was kissing her cheek, his long lean body flushed onhers.
"Hmm." Herarms came around his neck to soothe the bite. "I am sorry."
"Don't be."He lifted his head to look at her. "I have to ask yousomething."
"Was it yourfirst-?" He shook his head. "When you came, I saw theshocked expression on your face. Was that the first time for you?"
She shifted a littleto avoid his eyes. "So?"
His body shuddered asthe emotions flooded him. He was falling so fast that he was gettingdizzy. He could not let her go. "I am humbled."
"It's no bigdeal."
"It is to me."he tasted her lips, gratified when she opened them for the invasionof his tongue. Kissing her was becoming addictive and to his shockedsurprise he could feel himself hardening. Instinctively, he startedmoving, slow easy strokes, almost lazy ones as he deepened the kiss.
She moved with him,her arms tight around his neck, her body responding to his with apassion that sent his heart into overdrive. He increased the pace,driving into her, his body primed and ready.
He could not getenough - that much was obvious. He could go all night, wanted to goall night to slake the vicious thirst he had for her. But he knewwithout a doubt that it would never be enough.
He felt when shestiffened, the climax taking hold of her. He felt her tremors,swallowed her moans deep into his throat. And then he came too, hisbody shuddering, his groans swallowed by her. He could not stop, theorgasm shattering his control.
He increased thepace, driving into her with a desperation that was telling. Heemptied himself, his heart tripping like a jackhammer inside hischest. He needed her and it frightened him that he could need herthis much after just meeting her. He had to show her that theybelonged together, because he could not envision his life without herin it.
As soon as he wasable, he slid off her and without a word, went to get his clothing.Turning around, he stretched out a hand to help her up, bringing herclose so that he could kiss her again. "I cannot keep my handsoff you," he admitted hoarsely. "We have quite a situationhere."
"We do. I needto get dressed."
"You will comehome with me?" He sounded anxious but did not much care. Heneeded her.
"Still want meto?"
"I need you to."He kissed her again, hungrily. "See how much?"
"It's just sex."
"It's not, butwe are not going to waste time arguing about it. Let me get these-"Releasing her, he picked up her clothing and handed it to her whilehe set about getting dressed. She was coming home with him and thatwas something to look forward to.
Finding herself backat his place felt strange. Several times on the way home, she hadalmost changed her mind about going back with him.
Yes, the sex wasexplosive and the best she ever had in her limited experience, butshe could not forget who he was. And he was still mourning a deadgirlfriend. She could not afford to be caught up in that drama.
He was rich, insanelywealthy and belonged to a society she had utter contempt for. Herbrothers, especially Lionel, seemed to have gotten over the way theyhad treated their mother, but it was still etched into her brain.
She could not forgetand even if that was not the case, she would be foolish to think thata relationship between them would work. They were not suited. But thesex was so damn hot that she was burning up.
He was nervous. Sodamned nervous that his hands were shaking and he had to hide it fromher. He was forty-five years old and felt like a schoolboy with hisfirst crush.
Not only that, but hewas also experienced, having been with more than his fair share ofwomen. But this was different. He was with the woman. And it made aworld of difference.
"Would you likeus to have a meal? We did not finish-"
"No." Sheshook her head and went before him into the spacious and elegantliving room. "Is this just for show?"
He had been about tosuggest they head upstairs but was happy she had diverted theircourse. She was pointing to the grand piano.