Page 14 of Nigel
“You will beworking in here first?”
“Downstairs andthen I will work my way up.”
“Or you couldwork your way down.” Picking up the tray, he handed it to her.“I can sit on the sofa.”
“I thought youwere weak.”
“I am feelingstronger now.” Removing the sheet, he swung his legs off thebed and tested his strength by standing. “I am not dizzy.”He could feel the sweat popping up on his forehead even as he saidit. “I can make it.”
“If you sayso.” She walked over to put the tray on the butter soft leathersofa and turned to watch as he made his way over.
“God.” Hemuttered, dropping down with a heartfelt sigh. “It feels like Ijust ran a damn marathon.”
“You could havestayed in bed,” she pointed out.
“The sheets arewet.” Picking up the tray, he placed it over his lap andresumed eating.
“You know wherethe linen closet is?”
“I will figureit out.”
He gave her aquizzical look as he sipped the soup. “This is your firsttime.”
“I am fillingin for someone.”
“And when youare not filling in?”
“I do otherthings,” she said vaguely. She was sure Jane had told her whereto find the damn closet.
“To yourright.” He jerked his head.
“Thanks.”Turning around, she went to a compact space and opened the door. Itsmelled clean and wonderful as if she could just stay in the room andbreathe in the scent forever. “Your housekeeper is verythorough.”
“She has beenwith the family for years. She also knows enough not to botherme.”
“I am betting people like you do not deign tospeak to the help.” Taking out the light blue sheet set, sheturned to see him staring at her with a frown and it was then sherealized that she had overstepped.
“I mean- “
“Mrs. Gordon ismore than just an employee and you do not know me enough to know howI treat people.”
“I apologize.”She cursed herself silently as she moved over to the massive bed todrag off the sheets.
He watched in silenceas she smoothed the sheets over the mattress. If she was aware of hisinterest, she gave no indication, but continued her work.
She fluffed thepillows and stacked them back against the headboard. To his surprise,he had emptied the bowl and finished the water. Putting the trayaway, he leaned back and closed his eyes briefly.
He opened them againto see her closing his closet doors. “Where?” She had thedirty linen in her arms as she stood in the center of the room.
“I am guessingthe laundry room downstairs.” He was amused by her. And wouldbet his last dollar that she was not a maid. Was she covering for afriend? Or a family member?
“Right. Do youneed anything while I am there?”
“I will comeback and get the tray.”