Page 78 of Kenji
“The only wayyou could have done that is if you hadn’t turned up.”Plopping down, he gathered her into his arms to cradle her.
“We shouldleave.”
“No.”She shook her head as she curled up against him. “I’m notletting this make me miss the rest of the ceremony.” She turnedher head to look at him. “We haven’t danced yet.”
He pushed back thetendrils of hairs clinging to her moist skin. “You want todance?”
“I want to eatsome more of that delicious champagne cake.”
“You justhurled everything you ate.”
“Precisely. NowI have to fill up again.”
“To risk doingthat again?” He teased.
“My stomach issettled. I think it’s the excitement rather than the curriedconch.”
“I nevernoticed.” His expression became sober. “Should Iapologize for putting you through it?”
“No.” Sheleaned into him. “I’m just going to rinse my mouth outand wash my face. Then we’re going back out there and assuringeveryone that the bride is going to live.”
“Let me help.”
He watched hercarefully. She insisted on making up for the fact that she’dbeen ill for a few minutes and when they came back outside to theanxious guests, she was determined to assure them that she was fine.
She danced with mostof the men and managed to eat some of the food and three slices ofcake. Olivia, her doctor, was there and checked her out thoroughly,letting them know she was fine and her blood pressure was a littlehigh due to the excitement.
He was taking herback to the cabin. He’d thought about taking her to Europe, buthe was afraid she wasn’t well enough for the trip and he wantedto be alone with her.
“He watches youlike a hawk. I wonder what he’d do if I kissed you on thelips?” Caleb asked her teasingly as they moved to the music.
“You’vekissed me before.” She pointed out. “My husband knowswhere he stands with me.”
“I was thinkingof introducing tongues.”
Her eyes glimmeredwith mirth. “Please don’t stir up anything.”
“The guy isvery possessive.”
“I love him.”
“I feel alittle jealous. I’m used to being the one in your life.”
She stared at him fora moment before looking over his shoulder at Olivia who was in deepconversation with Kelly, Leesa and Monique. “How’s itgoing with Olivia?”
“What does thatmean?”
“It means, mylittle nosy darling, that this is your wedding day and it’snone of your business. We’re getting along fine.”
“I hope youdon’t talk about me when you’re with her.”
“You’remy best friend, so naturally, your name has come up one or twotimes.” He grinned at her raised eyebrows. “Well, maybemore than twice.”
“Caleb-“She broke off as he kissed her full on the lips.