Page 51 of Kenji
"Now I feel somesort of loathing." She shook her head. "Maybe loathing isalso strong. I resent him."
"He left you."
"He did."
Caleb took a seatnext to her. "You led him to believe that we were a thing."
"That didn’tstop him from coming after me."
"No. Entitledprick. That said, I have to remind you the guy is worth billions."
"I took theopportunity to look him up, that includes his holdings and assets.Shipping companies, high-end car dealerships, import/exportbusinesses, and apartment buildings, to name a few." He tappedher flat stomach lightly. “You’re carrying the Lee'sheir."
"I’mcarrying my baby."
"He’s notonly that, and you’re smart enough to know it. He isn’tgoing to quietly go away into the night. He has pricey lawyers onretainer who will come at you. You’ll be in a fight - a bitterone."
"What are youtrying to do?" She demanded.
"I’mtrying to give you a taste of what's to come."
"I don't have tosee him."
"No. You don'thave to, but eventually, you’re going to have to deal withhim."
"I’m notready."
"No. Eat up. Youdon't have to think about that right now."
"Too late."She muttered.
Kenji was waiting forhim at the restaurant. "I thought I’d have dinner here.Join me?"
"Why not? I havesome things to take care of now that Chantelle isn’t around.The spring looks to be as busy as the winter. Several weddings linedup." He took a seat across from him and nodded at the hoveringwaiter.
"How is she?"Kenji took a sip of the wine that had been brought forward,appreciating the texture.
"Pregnancy hasdone a number on her. She is thin to the point of emaciation."
Kenji winced,lowering his glass. "You told her I wanted to see her?"
"She said no."
His eyes flashed. "Ihave a right-"
"You have noright." Kane snapped. "You put her through hell, and I toldyou you should give her time."
"She hates me."
"Can you blameher?"
"I screwed up,and I want to make amends."
"She doesn’twant to see you. She’s still going through a lot, and you mustgive her time."