Page 29 of Kenji
She belonged to him.No, he shook his head. He couldn’t offer her anything butmisery and uncertainty. Even now, the anger was still churning insidehim. She’d managed to make him forget for a while, but it wouldalways be there at the back of his mind.
He couldn’t inall conscience heap that on her. He couldn’t help askinghimself, ‘Why did you pursue her in the first place?’
"Because Icouldn’t help myself." He whispered hoarsely. "I hadto have her." He knew how that sounded, but it was the truth.Having her and making love to her hadn’t solved his problem. Ithadn’t dulled the yearning; it only made it even more piercing.God help him!
"You’releaving?" Kane stared at his cousin in shock. "What thehell for?"
"I don’thave to inform you of my plans." He hunched his shouldersdefensively.
"You bloody wellbetter have." Kane countered grimly. They were in his office inMidtown, where he had several meetings to attend. Kenji had calledand asked his whereabouts and made his way there. Now he was droppingthis bombshell on him. "I thought you had the charter thing todeal with."
"It's already inthe bag. The numbers are solid, and the contract is being drawn up bythe lawyers." Shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked overto the window to stare out at the gathering dark clouds.
He’d spent lastnight unable to sleep, tossing and turning on his bed. Had she beendoing the same? He wondered. “A team has been assigned to dothe overhaul of the company. I’m not needed."
"You’reaware you’re still in danger, right?"
"Yeah." Hestill had his back turned. "No one is going to find me where I’mgoing. I’ll be careful."
"I don'tunderstand this sudden need to leave."
"I need someclosure." He turned around. "I have to sort things out inmy head, and in order to do so, I have to leave."
"What aboutChantelle?"
The question was sosudden and unexpected that it didn’t give him time to check hisexpression, and for a second, his face mirrored his emotions. "Who?"
"Don't play withme," Kane said pleasantly. "It was clear to see thatthere’s something between you two. You were all over her at theopening."
"She’sinvolved with someone." He muttered.
"You called andasked if she was going to be at the restaurant today. Did you go andsee her?"
He hunched hisshoulders, and the memories came flooding back. All those feelingscoursing through his body! "What if I did?"
"What happened?Or should I guess?"
"Nothing- Look-"He dragged his fingers through his thick dark hair and leaned backagainst the wall. "I can’t afford to be with her. Gettinginvolved will only make things worse."
"How involveddid you get?"
"That's none ofyour business."
"You’re mycousin, and she’s my employee."
"I thought shewas more than that." He tried for a smile and failed woefully.
"It reallydoesn’t concern you."
"You slept withher."
"We didn’tsleep, so that would be a no."
"You slept withher, and now you’re running away. Did you use her? Was she justa diversion?” The questions were delivered like bullets andpierced his very soul.