Page 15 of Kenji
It didn’tmatter her lips were still stinging from the potent and powerfulkiss, and her nipples were still aching. It would pass, andhopefully, he’d have the decency not to mention it to Kane.That had kept her up even more.
She’d lockedlips inside her office with his cousin. Kenji Lee was no ordinaryguy. He was the heir to a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. She’dread up on him, and their holdings and business interests were toostaggering for words.
He didn’t workand had a reputation where women were concerned. Of course, he did.He was tall and lean and dangerously handsome. He had more money thanshe could wrap her head around.
It’d been agame to him, and she’d allowed him to have his way with her.Now the game was over, and she was back to reality.
She had an opening tofine-tune, and it was going to be a big deal. Reporters were alreadysniffing around. Ever since the opening of the restaurant, it’dbeen packed to capacity every single night. They had bookings all theway through until next year of people who wanted to be part of thehype.
That's how Kane andKelly had put it. "We belong to a society where people want tobelong. The latest buzz around is 'Magnifique.' They are going towant to experience it for themselves."
They were right, aswell. People were curious, and their interest had them makingreservations or waiting until something opened up. It wasn’tjust hype. The restaurant was all it’d reported to be and thensome. A famous food critic had given it a five-star rating.
"'Magnifiquelives up to its name and the buzz going around. The ambiance isamazing, the food is out of this world, and the service is excellent.The servers are friendly and professional. I have to say that KaneTakahashi has done it again. And kudos to the manager, the verybeautiful and gracious Chantelle Williamson.'"
She had a reputationto uphold and couldn’t afford a tiny unimportant lapse tounsettle her. With that in mind, she finished preparing to leave.
The pep talk she’dgiven herself lasted as long as she journeyed from her home to therestaurant. Kane had told her he would be there to go over somedetails with her.
"Take your timegetting here. I know you were late leaving. I’ll be in theoffice."
She’d workedthe midnight shift, so she was supposed to come in at eleven. Theyhad a lunch crowd coming in, some of Kane's business associates fromEurope. She’d spoken to the chef about the menu already, but itdidn’t hurt to check on things again to make sure everythingwas in place.
The cleaning crew hadcome in early, and the place was spotless. Kane didn’t spareany expense when it came to his restaurants. The health departmenthad already been there and given it their stamp of approval.
She’d juststepped out of her vehicle when she noticed several vehicles werealready in the large parking lot, and one of them belonged to him.What was he doing here so early? Her hands trembled slightly as sheengaged the alarm.
Was he here tocomplain to Kane about her? No, he wouldn’t do that, would he?Taking a deep breath, she tugged the jacket closer to her as the windwhipped at the material.
It had rainedearlier, and the aroma was pungent and somewhat heady. She nodded tothe doorman as he held the doors open for her and headed straight toher office to put away her jacket and pocketbook.
A few messages werewaiting for her on her desk – one from Kane asking her to meetas soon as she arrived. Picking up the inter-office phone, she calledthe kitchen and asked that a pot of coffee and some fruits be sent tohim.
Delaying for a fewminutes, she rose and made her way to his office. Knocking on thedoor, she waited for him to admit her before pushing the doors open.Kenji was lounging on one of the sofas near the window. Ignoring theprickle of awareness and the rush of memories, she smiled at Kane ashe rose to his feet.
"Chantelle."With a nod of acknowledgment, he gestured for her to sit. "Kenjiand I were just finishing up a discussion."
"I’llleave you to it then." With a curt nod at Chantelle, he made hisway out.
"How are you?"
"Good. Fine."She folded her hands in her lap and took a breath. "Last nightwas a success with only a few incidents."
"I’m happyto hear that." Those unnerving dark eyes looked so much like theman who had just left the room she had to stop herself fromfidgeting. "You said you had some ideas for opening night?"
"Yes. Of course.I jotted them down right here." Determined to focus on the job,she rose and handed him her device.
He should leave. Thesensible and smart thing to do was to leave. He had things to do.Meetings to attend. A board meeting, to be precise. Trouble wasbrewing in one sector of the business. That was what he’d beendiscussing with Kane when she walked in.
The cherry red suitsuited her, and his eyes had zeroed in on her lips. He wanted her.The pep talk he’d indulged in last night and this morning hadgone out of the window the minute she stepped into his cousin'soffice.
His loins wereburning for her. He really should leave. He didn’t have to behere. Kane and Kelly had other wonderful restaurants he couldpatronize.
He didn’t haveto come here. He had an office - a big one with an excellent view. Hecould have Kane come to him. He was sure he wouldn’t mind. Hewas edgy and irritable, and it was because of her.