Page 47 of Dark Knight
What is it going to take? Clearly, nothing I say makes a damn bit of difference. And that’s what makes my blood boil. What makes me want to cross the room and haul her to her feet by her hair. I want to shake her until she understands. Whatever it takes. Somehow, I’ve got to get through to her.
“I have a better idea.” I cross the room, savoring how she stiffens her spine and sticks her chin out like she isn’t afraid as my shadow falls across her face. She’d better be afraid. “How about I tie you up and spank your ass for being a disobedient little brat? How does that sound?”
Fuck me. It’s out of my mouth and there’s no taking it back before it hits me. For all I know, that’s precisely the kind of shit Kristoff did to her. What the hell is wrong with me, threatening something like that when just last night I woke up with my heart in my throat thanks to her screams?
My jaw clenches against the wave of regret that threatens to drown me. “I’m—”
Before I can get it out, she shrugs. “Don’t bother making threats we both know you’re unable to keep.”
“Excuse me? You’re making a lot of assumptions.”
“And so are you. You’re assuming I care about your empty threats – and don’t pretend they’re not empty because we both know they are.”
“You might be surprised.”
“Somehow, I doubt it. Remember, I’m damaged goods you can’t bring yourself to touch. Have you forgotten already?”
“I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth.”
“Save your breath,” she retorts with a shrug. This snide little bitch. I might as well talk to a wall. “I don’t care if you don’t want me. I’m sure there’s a man somewhere who does. It’s just a matter of finding him.”
No, this is all wrong. She’s drawing me into her game, testing me like the spoiled brat she’s always been. Whenever I forget her true nature, she finds a way to remind me. I ought to thank her for bringing me back to my senses.
“What’s it gonna be?” she asks, arching an eyebrow. “I’m going whether you want me to or not. You can’t keep me in prison here. And something tells me if I called my father, he would agree with me.”
“Now you’re deluding yourself.”
“I don’t think so.” Her chin quivers a second before her bottom lip juts out. “Daddy, all I want to do is get out in the world and try to get used to being around people again. I even told him to come with me so I feel safe. But he won’t do it.”
“That would be low even for you.”
“Ask me if I care about your opinion of me.”
I hate her for this. Pinning me in place, smirking at me the way she is now. What I wouldn’t give to wipe that smirk off her face. To watch understanding dawn on that pretty face when she figures out she fucked with the wrong person. The girl has no idea what I’m capable of. She might as well be tap dancing in a minefield.
She narrows her eyes, and for one brief instant, I might as well be looking at Amanda. That’s the look the woman whose ashes sit on the mantle would get on her face whenever she knew she was in dangerous territory with Callum but didn’t want to give an inch.
“Really?” Her head tips to the side.
“Yeah, really. What, are you scared now that you’re getting what you want?”
“I’m not afraid, especially not of you.” It would be cruel to remind her just how terrified she was last night, so I won’t.
“Then you better go get ready while I grab something to eat. I don’t feel like waiting around all night for you.”
She’s still wary as she rises from the couch, giving me a wide berth like I would give to a snake I came close to. She has nothing to worry about, at least not from me. I’m not going to hurt her – she’s too busy trying to hurt herself.
And I’m too busy imagining killing some dumb bastard tonight for the crime of touching her when she belongs to me.
Ican’t believe I convinced him to do this. But we’re actually here, in a club two towns away, where there’s no chance of running into anybody he knows. Neither of us needs that tonight. The energy between us throughout the ride is tense, electric. I’m surprised my hair isn’t standing on end by the time he parks across the street from a club larger than the one I visited before.
I didn’t choose this place at random. I wanted somewhere bigger, somewhere darker. Somewhere I could melt into the shadows and lose myself. That’s what I need more than anything tonight. To lose my inhibitions and let the chips fall where they fall.