Page 4 of Testing The Waters
I take a long, controlled breath before walking into the bathroom again. At first I refuse to look because I don’t want her to get uncomfortable but then I smell the bubble bath. Cracking a lid, I notice she’s all covered up in foam.
Nothing to see here and the disappointment is fierce.
Her white dress dries on a hanger along with her red corset (corsets are typical Valkyrie attire and worn on the outside of garments). Pink and bedazzled cowboy boots have been kicked off on the floor and I want to get her a new pair, because hers are cracking at the seams.
“I should leave you to it,” I frown but end up staying and I lean against the sink. Tearing myself away from her seems impossible. “Or I could keep you company.”
“You could.” Kylie shrugs and blows on some bubbles. “I bore pretty easily.”
The corners of my mouth lift. I like her. She’s pretty, fun, easy going and it’s a pleasure having her here. I don't usually keep company. Dragons are solitary creatures but most have an obsessive need to find their mates, scouring the earth for them. I’m more withdrawn than most. In the past, eager females would find their way to my lair and I used to indulge them. Eventually what they were offering, began leaving me cold. It was never enough and always left me unsatisfied.
My nature craves more.
Deep down, I crave a mate just as much as any other male.
Kylie rolls around in the bath, grabbing the soap and I watch it slide down her arm from the corner of my eye. Her movements aren’t as fluid as a real Valkyries but it only makes her more fascinating to me.
“Do you have human blood in you?” I ask just to make sure and her eyes widen as if she’s embarrassed by the question, but then she nods.
“That obvious is it?” She shrugs. “My mom was half mortal and half Valkyrie.” Pride makes her voice sound clearer. “But she was a respected biologist. Dad was so impressed, he chose to mate with herwhenshe was in the field out in Antarctica.”
“She must’ve been very beautiful.”
“Not just beautiful,” Kylie says quickly, “she was wicked smart and way ahead of her time.”
I straighten and look Kylie in the eyes. “Where is she now?”
A flash of sadness covers her face. “She’s dead.” Swallowing, she adds, “She died, giving birth to me. Mom was working, out on the ice when she went into labor. It happened so fast, she had no time to go back to the camp or call for help.”
“Where was your father?”
“Busy prowling and looking for other fertile women to bed,” she replies with a tinge of resentment.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” I say, regretting asking her because I should’ve known the story would be tragic.
Shrugging, Kylie murmurs, “It was a long time ago and I don’t mind telling you.” She licks her lips before continuing, “The ice cracked while mom gave birth and we both fell through. Her human side couldn’t survive in water that cold, and she was dead by the time her coworkers got to her.”
“They must’ve been mystified to find you were alive.”
She nods. “They brought me to a hospital, and the doctors considered me a medical miracle. They were about to call the press, but then I got snatched.”
I clench my fists, feeling anger blaze. “Who snatched you?”
And how can I track them down and kill them as fast as possible.
Kylie stares at me for a couple of seconds, before letting out a snicker. “It wasn’t anything like that. I was taken by the babysitter my dad had hired, and she brought me to Frosted Falls.”
She snickers again and I like the sound.Playful. Dragons don’t play. We’re wise, serious beings but she makes me feel lighter.
“Did he treat you right?”
Something wary flares in Kylie’s eyes, as if she carries a pinch of pain in her heart.
“A little bit at first...,” she trails off, “until I grew up and he realized I was just as fragile as my mom.”
Annoyance blazes in me.
“He’s wrong, you’re perfect,” I say heatedly and Kylie’s jaw slacks.