Page 15 of Testing The Waters
I gawk.
That’s how bad he needs the girls to be free? Well, all right then...
Shrugging, Craven frowns and rubs the back of his neck. “Fuck, my apologies, seems that my serpentine qualities just have to come out around you.” He glances at me. “I’ll buy you new ones.”
“No, you won’t,” I breathe and his brows lower over his eyes, before his gaze goes to my cleavage.
“You’re right, I won’t. I can’t let you imprison them ever again.”
I let out a laugh, turning giddy and I want that touch of his once more. I’m slowly starting to feel a teeny, tiny bit addicted.
Shifting, Craven groans, “Get down on your bed and put your knees to your ears. I want to taste you again.”
Heat flares in me and I’m about to pounce on the mattress, when I catch something fluttering outside my window.
“Maybe later,” I gulp, “I have to water my poppies first.” Flashing Craven a quick smile, I brush past him.
He frowns in surprise but doesn’t stop me.
I close the front door, stepping out on the porch and turn the corner because I thought I saw...
Whirling around, I blink when everything turns into a blur. I see bluish black tresses flare in the wind and then I’m attacked.
“Wella,” I choke when she squeezes me to her, before her hands go to my shoulders and she shakes me.
“I thought you were dead!” Her eyes trace over my face as if she’s making sure someone isn’t doing spell work. “How the hell are you alive?”
“I’ll tell you but you have to stop shrieking,” I clasp her elbow, pulling her away from the cottage and we walk down the street.
Wella restlessly yanks at her hair bun, while muttering to herself in disbelief. She’s dressed in cutoff denim shorts and a loose, baby blue t-shirt. Her corset is white and made out of cheap, simple leather. Understated as always, almost tomboyish but still drop dead gorgeous.
Lowering her voice, she takes a step closer to me and swallows, “There were whispers about you being kidnapped by the Lake Dragon. I thought he’d eaten you by now.”
“No, he refused to have me for dinner,” I reply, enjoying the stunned expression on Wella’s face. “He took me to his home and decided to keep me.”
Revulsion shines in her eyes. “So you’re his captive, but...”
“Not exactly,” I say quickly. “He’s not this awful asshole everyone thinks he is.”
Raising a brow in doubt, Wella snorts, “All dragons are mean, arrogant fucks. And if he’s so nice, then how come he didn’t let you come back and tell everyone you’re alive? The whole town has been worried sick about you.”
My eyes dart and I purposely refuse to look at Wella. “I was busy doing other things...”
She quiets, pondering. “Are you blushing?” Inhaling, she points at me and blurts, “You’ve let him screw your brains out!”
“Sch,” I say frantically, ignoring how she said it as if I had committed a crime, “we just kissed.”
Kissing doesn’t just refer to kissing on the mouth so it’s not a lie, right?
“Was it good?” Wella queries, before grimacing, “No don’t tell me, I can imagine it was horrible...” She trails off, turning her head to the side when Craven steps out of the house and her jaw drops. “Wait, is that him?”
“Yup,” I say, crossing my arms and quirking a brow, “and he doesn’t just have killer looks. He’s a Draugar, FYI.”
Wella’s jaw drops all the way to the ground. “Girl, you better be careful with him,” she drawls. “You know how those royals are with the bloodlines and everything...”
I frown, not understanding what she’s referring to but don’t get the chance to ask. Craven has walked over to us, a tense expression on his face.