Page 10 of Testing The Waters
My eyes round in delight.
He stocked up on dessert...there’s even a bowl full of candy and I shoot him a grateful smile.
“I went out and got it while you were getting ready.” He hands me a brown bag full of cupcakes and I dig in. “Hope it’s enough but I could always get you more.”
“Don’t,” I laugh, “or I’ll be wagging out of this place.”
Craven’s eyes light up with something shrewd as if he likes the thought of having more of me. My next bite takes more effort to swallow because now I’m giddy.
“Aren’t you having any?”
Leaning back, he crosses his arms over his chest. “I never eat inside the house.” He drags a hand down the back of his head. “I don’t eat in this shape, I use the other one or I’m unable to satisfy my hunger.”
Oh...of course. He can’t eat in here, in his dragon shape or he’ll wreck the house.
I grab a napkin, then jerk my head down the hall. “I’ll join you, it’s too nice to be inside anyway.”
His eyes stir with appreciation as if he thinks I’m making a big sacrifice and putting my comfort on the line. I feel my cheeks heat because it’s not that big of deal.
“Come, come...,” I urge and he follows me, his shadow suddenly looking strangely puppy- like in anticipation of its treat.
Stepping outside of the house, we cross the courtyard and I choose to sit on a boulder by the lake. Craven looks down at me, shoving his hands into his pockets and he seems hesitant. I feel a flutter in my heart.
He doesn’t want to shift in front of me.
Because he thinks I’m scared to death of the dragon. He’s wrong...or maybe just a tiny bit right, but I can’t let him starve. I nod my head in encouragement, and he lingers for a moment before reluctantly shrugging and putting some space between us.
Craven straightens, glances at me one more time before positioning his arms to the sides and shifts.
The ground trembles and I stare at the gigantic creature in front of me. Air blows out of his nostrils, menace lingers around him and I hold down a whimper. His eyes shine but I’ve learned my lesson and don’t look straight at them.
I’m thinking the monster will go off to find something to eat but nope...he seems more interested in me. Aren’t I lucky... and I laugh nervously, wanting to shoo him off but you don’t shoo something so magnificent and dignified. I notice the dragon keeps his neck down and he doesn’t swish his tail around.
He’s trying to make himself smaller to appear harmless. That’s so...sweet.
My breath catches in my throat when he starts walking toward me and I clutch my cupcake so hard, I end up squishing it. Feeling my mouth go dry, I stare as the gigantic creature stops in front of me and reaches out with its head. Tensing, I wonder what that means. Am I supposed to pet him? You don’t pet dragons, they’re not dogs and petting one is considered offensive.
The dragon doesn’t move and the realization that he doesn’t mind an offence if it comes from me, hits me straight in the chest.
I feel honored and tentatively reach out and pet him, scratching softly with my fingernails. A buzzing sound emits in the air. I gasp when the sound causes waves of vibrations to flash in me. It’s like a purring but not quite and my lids flutter.
It takes me off guard and I pull my hand back, but let out a nervous laugh when the dragon licks me across the face. “Already clean, big guy,” I snicker, “no need to...,”
He does it again, as if to spite me or tease me and I squirm. Giving me a side eye as if I should be thrilled about the wet kisses, he walks off but I know I’m being watched.
That monster is not letting me out of its sight and alarm bells start going off again...Hmm, I wonder. But I don’t get a chance to analyze my reservations, before the dragon stops in front of a tree and yanks the whole crown into its mouth and swallows.
At least when I’m watching and I’m relieved I didn’t have to witness him do that to an animal. He walks farther into the woods, his tail sticking out and the tip dips in the lake. He yanks at another tree crown and a smile crosses my face.
I’m privy to a gentler side of him that I on some level only meant for me.