Page 1 of Testing The Waters
For as long as I remember, I’ve been told to never step into these waters.
They say a great Lake Dragon resides here, lying in wait for his next juicy victim. Those who dare trespass will soon regret it, for they’ll meet a quick and brutal death.
Pursing my lips, I slide my hand through the dark water but the movement tempts no monster. My brows knot with newfound wisdom.
I don’t think there’s anything to those stories. I’ve never seen a dragon around here and he’s more of a legend anyway.
Kicking off my boots, I step into the lake and as cowardly as it sounds, I still can’t help but to keep an eye out for anything that moves.
When the lake remains as flat as a mirror, I dive inside. The cold water feels heavenly. The day is hot enough to make my skin boil and I’ve been hiking for hours.
I just need to cool off, and then I’ll head back home, pop open a bottle of rosé and watch my favorite TV-show until sleep takes me. I do another breast stroke, snorting when I realize all talk about the dragon is just pure superstition.
There’s no dragon, or maybe he’s just having tea with the Loch Ness monster right now... I snicker at my own wittiness but abruptly stop.
Gulping, I look around when I feel a current beneath the surface, hitting against my hips and stomach.
A big ripple moves through the water and I tense, trying to control the sudden flare of panic.
What was that? I have the feeling something is swimming toward me but I can’t see anything. Then I catch the ripples again, and now I definitely know something is after me. I cry out when the swish of a tale whips the surface before disappearing.
Guess, there really is a dragon after all...
I swim faster, coughing from the heaps of water I gulp down. A scream explodes out of my chest when I notice a huge shape moving beneath me. It slithers like a snake, fast and smooth and I know that any second now it will open up its massive jaws and crush me in half. Pure adrenaline almost makes me pass out, when the creature rises through the water and I end up on his back.
My jaw slacks both in badly timed awe and horror. He’s huge, black as ink but with shades of silver on the sides. I gasp when I realize he’s trying to fly. At first I attempt to roll off, but he’s too fast. He rises higher...massive wings spreading on the sides, and he shoots for the sky.
Screaming like a banshee, I clutch him and hug him with my thighs. His wings swoosh, ripping through the clouds. I throw a distressed glance over my shoulder and I can barely see Frosted Falls anymore.
We’re still in Frosted Falls aren’t we?
Never mind, I have more important things to think about. How to get down from this maddened creature for example, and I wiggle, trying to see how far down it is to the ground when he turns his head to the side. Eyes that shine so much I have to look away, bore into mine and my stomach fizzes.
I suck in a breath. I don’t think he likes the idea of me trying to get down.
Crap, I don’t know what to do except hold on. My eyes widen when the dragon lowers, his one wing slicing through the water and then the other. I think we’re about to land...and I look up, locking eyes on a dark shore and there are more cliffs up above.
At the very top, there’s a towering, scary looking manor.
I freeze, wondering if this is where he’ll eat me in peace, the way a dog would eat a bone.
My breath punches out of me when the dragon lands with a hard thump. I roll over his back, falling face down onto the shore. Damn...that hurt and I look up, watching the dragon swishing his tail around and he glares at me from the corner of his eye.
The light is too much for my sensitive retinas and I can’t look straight at them.
Lowering his mammoth sized head, he shakes his body, causing droplets to fly and just like that he switches form.
I gawk at the towering man standing before me in black leather pants and a bare chest. His inky hair is wet, his features sculpted as if they’ve been cut by a sculpture and that silvery color of his eyes makes my nape tingle.
Um...I don’t know what I expected but I didn’t expect this.
Who knew the feared water dragon could have a male shape
A whimper crosses my lips when he starts walking toward me, and I hurry to get up but sway from lightheadedness. The closer he gets, the more I can scent him and he smells of a fancy barbershop. Each inhale is like a drug and the muscles in my lower belly tighten. Struggling to ignore my attraction to him, I put my fists up.