Page 96 of Her Brother's Billionaire Best Friend
“But I guess I thought it couldn’t be true.”
“Why’s that?” I said. I was genuinely curious.
“Because even if you are him,” David said, “you’re nothing like him. Nothing like he was.”
“Is that right?” I said.
“No. He was kind. He was…he was a good guy. I liked him.” I could hear David’s voice crack as he finished his sentence.
“And me?” I said.
David looked up at me. Stared at me as if I were the devil himself. But then he blinked, and shook his head.
“You know, Kyle’s been coming here at night,” he said quickly. “He saw what you did. How you buried this thing. I caught him and I made the kid tell me. I knew you were up to something.”
I cursed under my breath. “Kyle?” I moaned. I didn’t want him to think badly of me. I prayed he hadn’t read the book.
“So we went and dug it up,” said David. “This afternoon while you were sulking in here.”
“And I read it. All of it. About you, about Conor. Joining the SEALs. The explosion. You really did put it all in here. Like you wanted to be caught.”
“It’s been hard,” I said. “I didn’t want to forget. Even if it’s not who I am anymore.” I folded my arms and looked at David.
“So what now?” I said.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said quickly.
“Why not?” I growled softly.
“Because I don’t want Laura to know,” said David. “If she finds out who you are…she’ll never forgive you.”
“I figured as much,” I said.
“Was all this on purpose?”
“No,” I said. “I moved back here for a quiet life. No one knew who I was. And I never bothered anyone, David. I mean it. Not until Laura…” I shook my head.
“Do you still…?” said David.
I paused. I put down my glass and leaned forward towards him.
“Always,” I said.
“I won’t tell her,” said David. “As long as you go. Tonight. Pack your bags and fly your goddamn helicopter out of here.”
“Not without Laura,” I said.
“Lucien,” said David. “Or…Conor.” He said the word slowly, wincing as he did.
“Yes?” I said.
“Conor…if you are him,” David said. “Then you know that Conor wasn’t right for Laura.”
I froze as the white heat of anger gripped my body.
“And neither are you,” said David.