Page 112 of Destiny
I stand then. “Please. Please just tell me. Who’s behind this trust? Is it my grandmother? Wendy Madigan?”
“This is all I can tell you, Ms. Steel. I think maybe you need to talk to your grandmother.”
“Ihavebeen talking to her, Mr. Wolfram. She speaks in…riddles.”
“I really do wish I could help you.”
I rise. “Fine, then. I’ll figure it all out for myself. Like I always do.”
As I leave his office, I listen intently. Mr. Wolfram picks up his phone. “Dion, get the hell in here. Now.”
As much as I’d like to stay and eavesdrop, a woman with pink hair standing outside a senior partner’s office will stand out like a sore thumb.
I head back to the reception area, walk back past Ms. Smiley, and grab one of the cookies. I’m not hungry, but I feel like I have to get something for my trouble. I take a bite. The cookie is so dry I can barely get it down my throat. Who the hell baked these and charged up the wazoo for them?
Once I’m outside the office, waiting for the elevator, my phone dings with a text. It’s Brendan. In fact, there are several texts from him, along with two missed calls. My phone was buried in my purse as I was driving the four hours to Denver. I didn’t hear any of it.
I don’t want to talk, so I send him a quick text.
I’m sorry to worry you. I’m fine.
He texts back immediately.
Where are you?
In Denver.
In Denver? What are you doing in Denver?
Nothing. I’m on my way back now.
Drive safe. We need to talk when you get back.
All right. I should be home by about eight o’clock. Meet me at my place.
I’ll be there.
Brendan is waiting in the alley when I pull up.
“So thatwasyour truck I saw today, wasn’t it?”
I scrunch my forehead. “What do you mean?”
“I was driving into Grand Junction with my dad, and I saw your truck barreling out of town.”
I give a small smile, even though I’m not feeling it. “Yeah, that was probably me.”
He caresses my cheek. “You shouldn’t drive like that, Ava. It’s not safe.”
“I got there and back, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did, and I’m damned glad. But please, you’ve got to be more careful.”
The cardboard box from storage is sitting on the passenger seat. I grab it and exit the truck.
Brendan takes it from me. “Let me get that for you.”
“It’s okay. It’s not that heavy.”