Page 15 of Queen and the Kingsmen (Dark Fantasy)
I then tossed the fur from one of the cursed wolves.
The green flame became stronger.
“Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own.”
I placed the piece of apple touched by the woman they called Snow, who can communicate with the beasts.
The flames shone like grass in sunlight.
“Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own. With this water, extinguish the cursed purple fire which keeps me imprisoned.”
I poured several drops collected from the hot springs deep within the forest.
The green flames snuffed out. The room was cast in darkness. I waited. Hardly daring to breathe. Slowly there was a spark nestled deep within the charred logs. Then another. Another. The red glow of the fire returned. Standing slowly, I curled my fingers into claws and waved my hand over the iron manacle around my ankle. The metal bubbled and dripped as it melted away. The heat never touching my skin.
I could feel the rumble in my chest as I chuckled deeply.
My powers were back.
The heavy tread of a footfall was just outside my door. It must be Regin with my evening meal. I wondered. I wondered if all the troubling feelings of the flesh would feel the same now that my powers had returned?
It would be a shame not to take one more taste before I vanquished them all.
Striding over to the bed, I pulled the red brocade covering down so it pooled on the floor and around my feet, concealing my ankle. The heavy bolt drew back with a clatter as Regin strode through the door. He was carrying a tray. The earthenware bowl was filled with something that smelled rich and savory with the added sweet scent of sage. There was also a plate filled with strawberries so ripe and full they were flushed a deep crimson. Regin placed the tray on the small table before the fire. I held my breath and cast my eyes downward, lest I give my apprehension away. Would he notice the symbol scratched into the ashes and guess at its significance?
Just as he leaned over as if to get a closer look at something, I called out to him.
When his dark emerald gaze turned to mine, I placed my fingers inside the collar of my dressing gown and drew it open and over my shoulders, exposing my breasts and navel.
His eyes flashed with awareness. I could see the bulge between his legs lengthen.
“Have you finally learned your lesson from your punishments, lass? Are you ready to submit?” he asked as he pulled his linen shirt over his head, exposing a chest sprinkled with light brown hair and the white crisscross patterns of several battle scars.
Taking a deep breath, I shook my head. “No.”
His brow knitted. “No?”
Licking my lips, I boldly declared, “I want you to force me.”
Taking a step toward me, Regin grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. The corner of his lips quirked up. “Your wish is my command, your majesty.”
Using his grip on my hair, he pushed me down onto my knees. “That’s right. Kneel before me,” he quipped.
My stomach knotted and flipped. While my mind said I needed to distract him so that I could flee the fortress before they learned I had broken the enchantment, I knew that was not the only reason why I was kneeling before him. I was curious. Curious to see if I would still feel…anything. In my short time with the kingsmen, I had already become addicted to the rush of emotion and physical pleasure. My immortal self had never felt such things before. I needed to know…would they still have the same effect on me now that my powers had returned?
Keeping one hand twisted in my hair, he lifted his jerkin and unfastened his breeches with the other, freeing his engorged cock. Wrapping his long fingers around the shaft, he shifted his hand up and down. “Open your mouth,” he commanded.
I knew what he wanted. I had already been forced to taste Sigmun’s seed.
Slowly shaking my head, I whispered, “No.”
Regin hunched down before my kneeling form. Taking me by the chin, his thumb stroked my bottom lip. “It does not have to be this way, Zella. Don’t force me to be cruel when I could be kind.”
I lowered my eyes, not wanting him to see the truth. I needed him to force me.
With a sigh, he raised up to his full height, towering over me. The feeling of being small compared to their large builds still gave me a thrill.
Regin grabbed my face again, this time digging his fingers into the sides of my cheeks. The edges of my teeth cut my mouth inside, my jaw was pushed open…wide. Grasping his cock, he pushed the head past my lips. I could taste his earthy essence on my tongue already. He slid in deep, my lips stretching painfully around his girth. He was thicker than the others. A small drop of spittle tickled my chin as I struggled to accept his shaft. He rubbed the head along my tongue, pressed it against my cheeks. As if he wanted to mark the inside of my mouth with his scent. I placed my hands on the tops of his thighs, loving the difference between his warm skin at my fingertips and the cool leather that still encased his legs pressed against my palms.