Page 7 of Red and the Wolves (Dark Fantasy)
Not giving me time to process his words and what they all really meant, Grimm repositioned his member at my pussy and began to press inside. My traitorous body welcomed him but my mind screamed no.
“Don’t hurt me,” I said.
“Oh this will hurt, my sacrifice. This will most certainly hurt.”
I tried to lunge forward, but Grimm held firmly onto my hips, and I knew there would be no stopping this act. Inch by inch, Grimm eased his way in. I was grateful it didn’t all happen in one big thrust; the stretching of my hole was unbearable yet tantalizing at the same time. Pain and pleasure. Deep-rooted shame, but hidden desires emerging. The rest of the men stood at a distance and watched as Grimm stole my innocent grace.
Moans of pleasure—both his and my own.
And with a pop as a virginal wall collapsed, I wondered if my face would forever be stained with tears.
Tears that I couldn’t explain. Tears so full of passion and craving for more. Tears of disgrace and contrition. Tears of allowing this darkness Grimm spoke of to enter my own soul.
I wanted to peel my skin to avoid his touch.
Pierce my eyes to avoid watching the other men’s stares.
I wanted to sacrifice my outer being to save my soul.
But at the same time, I also wanted to push my hips back to meet each thrust of his cock as he claimed my body under the moon. The red of my hair hung in my eyes, reminding me of the blood of a battlefield—my battlefield. I watched the soil encrusting into my nail beds as I scraped at the dirt of the ground. Over and over, Grimm conquered my body, and I had no choice but to surrender. It wasn’t Grimm who demanded it be so…it was my own body that did.
My eyes closed and opened as Grimm drove into me. Each time my eyelids fluttered open, I would stare into one of the other men’s eyes. I don’t know why I did, but the hypnotizing act felt right. Each driving thrust from Grimm would rock my body back and forth, but I would maintain my locked stare until I closed my eyes only to open and stare at another.
Five men.
Five sets of amber eyes.
Five wolves.
The cadence of Grimm’s plunging in and out sped up until he was mating me as a dog would mate with another. Abandoned and wild as his nails dug into my hips, he drove in deeper and deeper. I was being fucked like an animal, by an animal. And with a final thrust, a deep, loud growl erupted from the sinister being behind me—so loud, so powerful, so dominating.
Claimed by the animal hidden in a man’s skin.
But something happened to me as Grimm pulled his cock from my still-quivering pussy. I didn’t feel the need to run as all the men stared down at my naked and used body on the ground. I didn’t feel shame. I didn’t feel hatred. I felt the need to continue this sacrifice to the blood moon. To protect my village from what lay hidden in the dark woods. Grimm was right. We all did what we must to keep the darkness away. Even if it meant allowing the darkness to swallow up our souls.
But I would fight this darkness with the ultimate light—commitment to not be broken.
My strength would rise in cloaked silence.
And I would be the fragile rose but with thorns so sharp that I would shred their inner beings without them ever seeing me coming.
This would be my silent vow.
I pulled my knees to my chest to try to retain some ounce of my dignity and waited to see who would come next. Would they all mount me one by one and take their turn in their claiming? How would I survive such an act? Fresh tears fell from my eyes in anticipation of a never-ending nightmare. After they devoured my body with their cocks, would they then change back to the wolves they were supposed to be and devour me with their fangs and claws?
Grimm reached down for my ceremonial gown and hooded robe that had been cast to the side. As he handed them to me, his once fierce, animalistic eyes softened. When I didn’t take the clothing from his outstretched hand, he kneeled down before me, put the gown over my head, and dressed me as a father would a child. The amber in his eyes was now warm, his breathing calm and no longer ragged, his touch gentle as he placed the red robe over my shoulders. All terrifying signs of the animal were gone. Grimm was nothing more than a man kneeling before me.
I shook in fear but also because the throbbing caused from the claiming hadn’t quite left my body, and Grimm noticed.