Page 10 of Snow and the Seven Huntsmen (Dark Fantasy)
“So she has arisen,” said one of the huntsmen as he bent low, the very picture of a proper courtier bowing.
Tightening my fist on the blanket as I clutched it close to my breast, I didn’t know how to respond.
“It’s Odin,” he offered helpfully.
“Odin,” I whispered with a slight nod of my head. Odin. The one with the light brown hair tied back into a small queue with a piece of dark rawhide.
If I was going to be among these men for the foreseeable future, I would definitely need to learn all of their names.
Accepting his offered hand, I allowed him to lead me to one of the benches before the fire.
Another placed a plate of food on my lap.
“Dagr,” he stated helpfully without my having to ask. Dagr. The tallest one with the cobalt blue eyes.
As I was trying to form the words to thank him, my eyes captured the gaze of Tore from across the room. He gave me a knowing wink. Feeling my cheeks heat, I concentrated on the food before me. It was a piece of toasted bread slathered with fresh butter and preserves. After years of being served, at best, cold grizzled meat with a mug of stale beer as my morning meal, it looked heavenly.
Careful to keep the blanket over my bare shoulders, I eased my hand out from beneath its folds to pick up the bread. Ignoring all the curious gazes on me, I bit into it with relish. I was unable to suppress a groan as the creamy butter mixed with the tart sweetness of the preserves and the warm, comforting taste of the crusty bread flooded my mouth. Closing my eyes, I flicked my tongue out to capture a dollop of butter before taking another bite. Lost in the sheer bliss of savoring this sweet treat, it took me a moment to realize I was the subject of their intense scrutiny. Opening my eyes, I watched as several of the men shifted in their seats. At least two awkwardly cleared their throats as another rose, his hands going to his belt.
“None of that,” commanded Odin. “We have to check the traps and track that buck Dagr spotted earlier this morn. There will be plenty of time for amusement after our work is done.”
Amusement? Was I the source of their amusement? Judging from the hungry looks they were all giving me, I felt as if I were a sweet morsel being offered up on a plate!
“Leave the lass alone. After a night spent with Tore between her legs, her pussy will tear like cheap silk if one of us tries to have a go at her right now.”
Cringing at his crude language, I couldn’t suppress an indignant glare. The huntsman who’d spoken was the one who had carelessly tossed me over his shoulder and spanked my bottom when I dared to cry out or wiggle to escape. Yes, I might not yet know his name, but I knew the man.
“Gather your gear, men, we leave soon. Jerrik, show the lass the kitchen and explain her duties.”
Jerrik had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. They were like bright, polished emeralds and seemed to dance with some secret amusement.
“Follow me, Snow.”
I couldn’t help but cast a despondent look toward my plate with my half-eaten piece of bread.
Sensing my distress, the one I heard them call Steen took the plate from my lap. “You can finish this after we leave.”
Securing the blanket around me, trying not to trip, I followed Jerrik across the great hall. The wood-planked floor was surprisingly warm on my bare feet.
“It will be your duty to prepare our meals. We will be back in a few hours and will expect a warm meal and ale to be ready and waiting. Do you understand?” asked Jerrik.
Good God! Cook? I had never cooked anything in my life. What was I going to do? I wasn’t sure what would happen if I told them the truth. Worried they may find me useless and not worth the trouble, I just stayed silent.
“You can cook?”
I nodded yes, still refusing to speak as I glanced through the window over his shoulder at the thick layer of icicles which clung to the frame, hoping they would not discard me out into the icy, winter morn when they learned I could not prepare meals like a proper female ought.
Odin gave my blanket a disgruntled look. “How is she supposed to cook clutching this damn blanket? Did we think to grab clothes for her?”
“What does she need clothes for?” asked Freyr with a wicked gleam to his eye.
Taking a step back, my shoulders rounded as I wrapped my arms tightly around myself. Were they really going to force me to appear bare before them all, without the protection of clothes?