Page 24 of Her Exile
“I had a father, but you took me from him. You lied to me. Raped me. Drugged me and even tortured me. Like I told Moreau, I have no remorse for you.” I push the button to activate all of the plungers of medication to enter his system in one whack and move to the machine. It will take a moment for the different drugs to enter his nervous system. “I’m done with you.”
“No! Wait,” he yells as I turn up the dial to as high as it can go and flip the switch. His body jolts, and his eyes roll back. After a minute, the system short circuits, blowing a fuse. The room darkens as the lights go out. I move to the corner and hold the scalpel as my only weapon and wait for my death in the form of the seven guards.
Dante is safe. Dario is safe. The recording of everything that happened is on the counter still running. Dario will know his father helped perpetrate those murders and Dante’s attempted murder.
* * *
Petrozavodsk, Russia, is over five hours from St. Petersburg, but Anatonia’s husband, Vitaly, got us a helicopter. We circle the school and see the guards before we land and move toward our destination. Vitaly wanted to shoot the men from the air, but Dante talked him into a quieter approach so we don’t alarm any guards inside and get Luna killed.
As we walk up, Dante decides to make conversation with them and find out who they are and what they are doing here. I’m beyond my patience and raise my silenced gun. I send a bullet into each of the three men I catch off guard. Dante and Vitaly take out the rest while I move to the building set away from the main school. A burst of electricity flashes and the building goes dark.
I grab the flashlight strapped to my leg and attach it to the top of my gun as I take lead and head into the building. I’m afraid of what I’m going to find when we get in there.
“I got the door,” Vitaly says as he puts a small explosive on the handle and steps back. It explodes, and he kicks in the door. There’s nothing but an outer chamber. I make out desks and medical equipment. Three lone doors sit farther down the hall. We each take one and signal a count in a whisper so we don’t startle anyone. On three, we all burst through the doors.
The beam from my flashlight illuminates a dark clinical room. I see a person prone in a chair that looks like something from a dentist office. Something tells me not to move, but I can’t keep the tremor from my voice.
“Luna?” My voice cracks, and I move the beam around until I see a form in the corner. Her hair is tied up sloppy on her head, strands falling loose. The hospital gown she’s in is dirty and bloody. But it’s the tears in her eyes that have me moving across the room. “Mio angelo, please tell me you are still with me.”
There’s a loud click, and the power comes back on. She jumps for me, and I hear a clatter of metal, but I don’t pay it attention as I pull her into my body.
“Dario, I love you,” she says over and over as she kisses me.
I pull my head back and take in her face. “Are you okay?”
She slowly nods, and I take her lips in a fierce kiss. I don’t care about the blood coating her or anything else. I only care about her.
“What the fuck,” is exclaimed from behind us.
I set Luna down before turning around to face Dante. He holds out a blanket, and I wrap it around her. She rushes to him and takes him in a hug too.
“Who was this?” Vitaly asks as he waves to the body of a man. The face and head are charred, and he’s got blood seeping from his feet.
“That was Doctor Formanski. I killed him.”
“Good. Let’s go.” Vitaly turns to walk out, and we start to follow. I pick up Luna to carry her.
“Wait! The recorder.” She points to the counter, and Dante takes the mini recording device. He clicks it off and then grabs some files from the counter before he walks out. Luna and I are the last to leave the room, and I watch as she slowly fades into unconsciousness. We need to get her back to the Bocharov mansion, where a doctor is waiting.
* * *
It's been hours since she slipped into a deep sleep. The doctor told us she needed to rest so her body and mind could heal. He couldn’t give her pain medications until he ran a full drug panel on her to determine what she was given. He looked over the medical record Dante took from the school to determine if she had been drugged or what she could have potentially been given. I wasn’t shocked to learn Formanski planned to put her mind into a vegetative state. According to the medical chart, she hadn’t been given anything recently. I still agreed with the deep drug screening though.
After we got back to the Bocharov mansion and the doctor looked her over, I carefully washed and cleaned her whole body, then I dressed her in one of my shirts. She’s been lying there ever since. I watch her as her body quivers and shakes. The doctor said it could be from coming off meds or just shock from everything. She has a couple new bullet wound scars, and bruises line her body from fighting and everything she did over the last few days. I’ve been sitting here in this chair just watching her, and I can’t take the distance or the fact that she is still out any longer. Standing up with a huff, I strip down to my boxers and move to the side of the bed. I know that if I startle her, she could attack, but she didn’t do that when the doctor examined her or when I bathed her. I slide under the blankets and pull her trembling body against mine.
She sighs and her trembling decreases a bit. I spoon my taller body around hers and hold her tightly to me. She moves for the first time and turns around as she burrows into my body. Her head is tucked under my chin and her arms wrap around me.
“Are you awake?” I ask softly, and she hums.
“I love you, Dario.” She says the words again, and my heart thumps hard.
“I love you too,mio angelo.” I kiss the top of her head. “Sleep,amore mio.”
She sighs, and this time when she falls back to sleep, she is calm. I hold her for a while until I fall asleep too. She is my future, and after Dante came in earlier to tell me what the recorder said, I know that she and I will rule the Revello family together.