Page 20 of Her Exile
“Who wants to dance first?” My words slur slightly, and when I wave my knife, I swear I see two of them. My head injury must be worse than I thought, but I blink my eyes slowly to gain control again.
“Don’t kill her,” Formanski orders as the first gun fires. The bullet hits my chest directly in the vest, and I stumble from the pain. The next is a dart, and it impacts my arm.
“Didn’t you learn these don’t work on me?” I rip it from my arm as I move toward them. I lost my gun, but I’ll carve him up with my knife. I have one goal in mind. I want my blade running with Formanski’s blood.
In the distance I hear the French police approaching. I know he’s not going to want to get caught, so I’ll have to make this quick. I stumble toward the gunman who shot me. He moves to hit me with the stock of his gun, and I drop and slide my blade along his inner thigh, cutting his femoral artery. He drops to the ground screaming, and I come up as another dart slams into my leg. I pull that one out too and throw it to the side.
“I can do this all day.” I wobble. My lips feel fat, and my tongue is thick and dry. My head is swimming. I move a couple more steps toward him.
“Now,” Formanski barks.
Two more darts impact my body, but I keep moving toward him. I can see the fear in his dark eyes.
“Daddy, I’m home,” I say as I swipe my knife at his chest.
He doesn’t step back fast enough and the blade slices through his clothes. A thin line of blood appears. I smile in satisfaction as I drop to my knees.
“I don’t want to play anymore.” I fall on my face as the knife clatters to the ground next to me.
Ilook at the note again and reread the words. She’s not in Rome or Paris. We’ve been searching for days, and finally today we heard on the news about a terrorist attack on a building in Léon. The perpetrator got away, and a manhunt is under way. She lied to us. She said she was doing it to make me safe, but I’m the man. I’m supposed to make her safe, not the other way around. I don’t care if she’s tough, strong, or a warrior. She is mine to protect.
“I’m calling Ana,” Dante says as he slams the hotel phone back into the cradle. He’s been off and on the phone with several contacts he has, trying to find out where she really went. We are sitting in this hotel in Paris, and I’m about to go stir crazy. I move to the piano in the large suite and sit down.
The music flows from my fingers as I remember the first time I saw her in that hotel bar with that awful blond wig on. Now that I know she has long, luscious brown hair, that’s all I want to see her with.
My mobile rings in my pocket, and I pull it out to sit on the piano top as I look down at my father’s name. I ignore it, just like I have every other call he’s made since the day I called him and told him that Luna took off. He’s mad at me for searching for her.
“She was sent to kill you.” His words were harsh but truthful. I knew that, but it didn’t change my heart. I don’t know how he found out, but it makes me wonder. He knows too much.
“But she didn’t. She’s going to take care of the threat on our family herself,” I yelled into the phone.
“Come home now, or I’ll disown you,” he barked back at me.
“I don’t care.” I hung up on him and yet he still keeps calling me.
I’m no one without Luna. I’ll find her and make her mine completely. I don’t care if it goes against the family. Something my father had said makes me think he has something to do with the hit on Dante. He said that the Lupos should be cut apart just like the Rossis had been.
I don’t know what it meant. All I knew was that McKenna’s parents had been found dead in their car and everyone assumed she had been with them. No one ever said they were cut up. Their bodies were burned.
“Did you hear me?” Dante breaks me from my thoughts.
I shake my head and look up from the piano toward him.
“I’m calling Anatonia. She’ll know where the school is, if Luna went there next.”
“What makes you think she went there?”
“Because she said she was going to make us safe.” He points at the letter. The letter where she told me she cared about me and that’s why she had to do this. She had to get rid of the threat, and it could only be done by her. She needed to do it. She signed it “Always yours, Angelo.”
She fought me when I called her that, but she is my angel. No matter if she was trained to kill.
She’s my avenging angel.