Page 2 of Her Exile
I’m a monster.
I hear them moving toward me and prepare myself for what’s to come. I hate this chair. I hate what it does to me.
“I know you’re awake,suka.” The doctor calls me a bitch in Russian. He doesn’t think I know what it means. He thinks he knows so much about me. My eyes snap open, and I don’t hide the hate from them. “Oh, my pretty little daughter. You were a bad girl.” His hand brushes down my cheek, and I growl around the bite block as I try to move away from his touch.
I pull against the cuffs around my wrists neutralizing my hands, and when I try to fight with my legs, a guard comes over and secures the straps tighter. I’ll have bruises, but I don’t care. I will fight them with everything in me.
I want to remember.
I want my life back that they took from me.
The first drug hits my system in a warm blush across my body. Euphoria and weakness slam into my brain. It’s a blend of different drugs, including LSD and something the doctor used in the KGB to wipe people’s minds. I’ve never been able to find out what that is, but I know it has scopolamine in it. I can’t move; however, I’m aware of everything they are doing to me. My senses are dulled, yet I still watch them. The helmet with the electoral pads is strapped onto me and tightened on my chin, the bite block secured another notch. My lips crack from the pull against them. I taste blood, but the bite block keeps me from biting my tongue. Automatic intravenous pumps are attached to the IVs in my arms.
Everyone steps back after the cables are all attached, and they all watch, even the deputy chief. I don’t see pity in his eyes but calculation, while the doctor has glee in his. He gets off on my pain. It’s why I’ve stopped screaming when he rapes me. The first jolt of electricity hits my body, and I bow from the table. Muscles that were loose from the drugs now lock up, and my mind blanks. Before the second one hits, I feel the coolness of something entering my veins and then nothingness.
Isit outside the deputy chief’s office, waiting for him to call me in for my next assignment. The door is cracked open, and I can hear him yelling at Doctor Formanski about how long it’s taken for me to get back to work after my last mission.
I stare ahead, not understanding what they are talking about. I’ve been in training for the last several weeks. A continuation of my training with guns, knives, hand-to-hand combat, and languages.
I don’t look at the receptionist because she will report to them if I show any emotion other than indifference. I’m confused because their words don’t make sense to me. The doctor has been running a lot more tests on me, or I think he has. I can’t remember.
“Adams,” Deputy Chief Moreau yells, and I rise.
I brush my hands down my legs to remove any wrinkles. The black slacks are perfectly fit to my body. I have a green shell on that brings out the green in my hazel eyes. The black jacket hides the weapons that I have hidden on me. I step into the office and close the door.
“Who are you?” he asks me, and I figure he wants to test me just like the doctor has over the past few weeks.
I stare him down, not blinking. “I’m Luna Adams.” I’ve been trained to only give the basic information needed. Answering a question with too much information can cause me to be figured out. I’m never to be caught, and if I am, I must commit suicide. It’s been ingrained in me for so long I wonder if I’ve ever known anything else.
A bolt of pain stabs my head behind my eyes, but I don’t acknowledge it. I can’t. I hold my body perfectly still. The pain becomes a dull headache, and I continue to ignore it.
“Tell me,” he demands, and it takes everything in me not to lift the corner of my mouth into a smirk. A memory of standing here several times over and going through this same questioning fills my mind. Okay, this isn’t new. Why did I think it was? Another memory of me looking into his eyes as I lie vulnerable hits me. Again, I don’t physically react. I answer his question in full this time.
“I’m Luna Adams of Spokane, Washington. I am the only child of a couple who passed away in a car accident when I was away at college. I graduated in May, early with my master’s in art history from the Royal College of Art in London. While attending my classes, I managed a gallery and have been studying to be able to appraise art too. I speak English and know a bit of Latin.” I focus over his shoulder to the view out his window, not wanting to give away the fact I know those are all lies. I don’t know how I know, but I do.
“See, I told you she was fine.” Doctor Formanski throws out his hand toward Moreau.
“But she was there,” Moreau argues. He looks back at me as if he can see through me, as if he knows me. I was trained by the best, and they think I can’t lie to them. “Where did you go after your last assignment? Why where you in Italy?” he yells as he rises from his desk. He thinks his height will intimidate me, but I’m five nine without heels. Today I’m in a high enough heel that we look each other eye to eye.
“Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about. As my after-action report stated, after I neutralized my last assignment, I went back to my hotel and watched a television show, then I went to train.” I know he doesn’t believe me. I don’t know where I went, but he must know, and it wasn’t what I said.
* * *
An hour later I’m on a plane heading to Bucharest. A Romanian mafioso has been selling women and torturing them. I’m reading through the file as I take in his arrogance that he only has a two-man guard. I memorize his schedule. By the time we land, I have a plan, and I head to the hotel.
After checking in, I move to the elevator and check out the camera in the reflection of the doors. I know the hotel doesn’t have any cameras in the elevator shaft. So I hit the button for the top floor and get off. When I step off the elevator, I wait, then click the button on the disrupter in my pack so the cameras can’t see what I’m about to do. As soon as I hear the elevator moving down, I pull another device out of my pack to pry the doors open. I look down the shaft and retrieve the small pack from my backpack. I let it fall to the top of the elevator and then let the doors close and hit the stairs before security comes looking to see what’s causing an issue with the camera.
When I get to my room, I proceed to stage it to look like a person stayed in it. Housekeeping won’t know the difference when they come in the morning. I take a quick shower, making sure not to get my hair wet, before getting ready to go out.
Again, I get into my bag of tricks and pull out a dress along with all my things I’ll need for the night. I put on my makeup, being sure to contour my face to give it a slightly different look. I slip a blond wig over my dark brown hair, then proceed to get dressed in a long black dress that accentuates my curves and bust. The material is soft and chiffon-like as it skates down my body. The bodice cuts in on the sides, and with just the right angle, someone can see my side boob. I step into the four-inch black strappy high heels, completing the look.
This is just a quick hit, not an infiltration. I’ll be in and out before anyone knows it. But if I’m dressed sexy, they won’t think anything of me. It’s the perfect cover. They’ll remember me, but in this dress, they wouldn’t know where I’m hiding weapons or that I’m even capable of hurting anyone.