Page 10 of Her Exile
We walk around Vicenza and go to several sights. When they walk up to a church, I can’t step inside. They try to talk me into it, but I can’t. I know what I read last night, but as I walked up to it, I saw faces of other girls. I saw a priest with a sinister look in his eyes. I couldn’t do it.
I told them I’d wait outside. Vittoria went in, saying she had to light a candle, but Dario stayed with me. He’s also bothering me and not in a bad way. He is attentive. Caring. Holds my hand and makes sure that he translates everything so I understand. What he doesn’t know is he doesn’t have to do that.
I know the sights. Some of them give me déjà vu moments, as if I’ve been there before. As far as I know, I’ve never been to Vicenza. But something deep down makes me think I have. We walk up to a large structure they say is called the Palazzo Chiericati that is a famous art gallery. Historically it was a Renaissance palace. I stop as a wave of nausea hits me and my head starts throbbing. My eyes burn, and I close them as a memory runs through my body.
“Papà, will you build me a house like this when I get married?” I look up at the man holding my hand. He’s tall and has dark brown hair that is wavy and brushed back from his face. He has a mustache, and when he leans down, he picks me up into his arms and hugs me to him. I smell cigars, leather, and something I don’t know but I know is all him. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he carries me through the art gallery.
“My littleprincepessawill get whatever she wants.”
I feel Dario grip my arm, and I strike out, not thinking. I dislodge his hand from my arm and step back, ready to fight. When I look at him, he’s staring at me with a hard look. His body is vibrating as if he can’t stand not touching me. I realize I have tears rolling down my face and turn away from him. I never cry. I feel his body pressing into mine and move away further.
“I don’t feel good. Can I call it a day?”
I take off without waiting to hear their response. We’ve already made plans to go to Dario’s for dinner tomorrow, but I’ll be cancelling that. I can’t handle this.
I slam the door to my suite closed and move to the bed, where I flop down. Tears continue to roll down my face. I ran most of the way here. I’m scared of what I saw. Even though the file told me so much, it didn’t tell me everything, and from the memories that invade my mind, I know I was loved and wanted.
A man hugged me. He called me his princess. I called him Father. The doctor told me I had no family.
I jerk up from the bed and barely make it to the toilet where I throw up until I’m dry heaving. When I fall back against the wall, I realize I can’t do this anymore. I need to get away from them. I have feelings for both of them. I like Vittoria and want to be friends with her. I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend before, let alone a girlfriend. She makes me laugh, which is something else I never did before now. At least I don’t think I have. I want so much more with Dario. I want to explore these feelings I have for him. The way he makes my body feel alive.
I sit there until my butt is numb and my legs are cramped. When I get up, I brush my teeth and strip naked. I put my hair up into a messy bun on my head and then slip on the robe from the bathroom. I put on some television and call room service for dinner.
A knock at my door has me moving slowly to the bathroom entrance again.
“Open up, Luna.” Dario’s voice drifts to me.
This could be the last time I see him. I’m taking off tomorrow. I’m escaping all this. I don’t need to solve my mystery. I need to be free and away from all of it.
I open the door and take him in. He’s still in the slacks he was in earlier and the blue button-down long-sleeved shirt. His beautiful hazel brown eyes move up and down my body, and the next thing I know, I’m pressed against the wall. The door snicks closed as he kisses me. My hands go into his thick dark hair and pull at him. I want him deeper. I crave him in a way I’ve never craved someone before.
“Dolce angelo, I had to see you again,” he growls against my lips. His normally deep voice is so gruff, it causes my core to clench.
“Please,” I beg him. I don’t know what I want, but I want him. I want my last night and time in Vicenza to be with him. I want with him what I’ve never given to a man, my soul. My passion.
“I’ll give you what you need,mio angelo.” He pulls back from my lips and kisses over the incision where I removed the tracker. “I still want to know what happened to you.” He groans when I wrap my legs around his hips. My robe slips open, and I’m bare to him. All my scars and skin are on display for him to see.
He pulls back and looks down my body. I know what he sees, but he doesn’t say anything. Not one word about the scars from bullets, knives, and years of torture. He leans back into me and kisses along my neck. Nipping and biting his way down to my collarbone. When he gets to my breasts, he hikes me up the wall more and slowly drags a nipple between his lips. He sucks it deep, and I rock my soaked core against him. He moves to the next nipple and treats it the same while his hands free my hair from the messy bun.
He pulls away from the wall and we are moving. I kiss his neck and nibble on his earlobe and then along his Adam’s apple. He stops and pulls my legs from around him. I stand in front of him, and he brushes the robe from my body. I’m bare and he’s fully clothed. I want to hide myself, but I don’t. I keep my hands at my sides.
“I like your eyes like this. Full of need for me. Full of passion. I hate when you close me off with them.” Instead of unbuttoning his shirt, he flexes and pulls it over his head. His tattooed chest is wide and tan. He has trim, defined muscles. More tattoos cover his arms.
I reach for his belt and unbuckle it before I pull it from his trousers. I pop the button and then lower his zipper, revealing his black boxers and his straining cock visible against the fabric. He wiggles and the pants slide to the floor. He steps out of his shoes and then the slacks.
We stand before each other completely exposed. I see the scars from bullets along his chest and arm. I lean forward and kiss each mark, wishing he didn’t have to know this pain. I have no memory of when mine happened or what they felt like, but I imagine they had to be painful.
He groans and pulls my long hair back, fisting it at the back of my head as I lower to my knees in front of him. He’s so long that his cock is peeking out the top of his boxers. Precum leaks from the tip. My mouth waters and I can’t stop myself. I lick it off as if it were ice cream. His hands bury into my hair, pulling ever so slightly. I trail my hands down the outside of his legs as I lower the boxers to the floor, and he steps out of them. I focus back on his cock and suck it deep into my mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever done this before, but I know I’ve never felt what I’m feeling right now. I’d never forget this feeling. Something clicks deep inside me, and my heart clenches.
His fists tighten in my hair, and he guides me back and forth on his cock, taking it deeper each time. He’s using my mouth the way I want him to use me, and I feel more moisture between my legs. I reach down with one hand and trail my fingers through the wetness. I’ve never touched myself like this. I moan around his cock before he yanks me away and I’m flat on my back on the bed. He’s over me with his head where my fingers were.
His tongue slides through my folds, and I arch and push myself deeper into the bed. My skin is so sensitive, it’s on fire. When he zeros in on my swollen clit and sucks it deep like he did with my nipples, I scream out and grip his head tight. I work myself on his face, feeling his beard burning a path along my thighs.
He moves to my entrance with his long fingers and slams two into me. I feel full, and I’m writhing on the bed, moaning his name and begging.
“Dario, please. I don’t know what I need, but I need you.”
I whimper when he pulls away from me and his warmth spreads over my body as he holds me close. His cock is where I want and need it. He pumps through my moist lips before he slams deep into my body. I cry out at the intrusion and tears prick at my vision. I know from the memories I’ve been raped in the past, but this isn’t like that. This is sweet and loving. It’s warm and causes my body to shiver with desire. I’ve never felt an intrusion like this. He’s so long and large that it’s a tight fit.