Page 35 of Aspen's Defense
"I'm flying out."
"Don't you dare!" I shout.
"Someone tried to shoot you and they aren't in fucking jail, Aspen," he growls.
"I told you, Dillon's working on it. I'm safe, Nash. Noah hired the best bodyguard in the state to help make sure I stay that way, and Brick and I are staying at his house until it's safe for me to go home. I'm not going to work or stepping a single toe outside."
"I don't like it."
"Yeah, well, neither do I. But having you roll into town to throw a fit isn't going to help anything. It's just going to stress me out even more. And I'm already stressed out, Nash. Noah is worse than you are," I complain.
My brother falls silent and then he curses. "Fine. I won't come. But I'm calling the sheriff."
"You're going to get yourself arrested."
"Good. He can put me in the cell with the motherfuckers who tried to shoot you."
I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. If Dillon doesn't catch them soon, I might get myself arrested just so I can get a little peace. Jail is probably way less stressful than Noah and Nash both trying to protect me.
By late afternoon, I'm bored out of my mind and ready to climb the walls. I call Jack instead and cajole him into sending supplies to me.
Noah said I couldn't go to work. But he never said work couldn't come to me. I need to bake. It soothes me.
I pop outside to let Giant know what's up. He sends one of his guys to the shop to help Jack load up what I need.
An hour later, someone knocks on the door.
I practically skip to the door.
"You said to expect a delivery," Giant says, his eyes wide. "This is an entire goddamn kitchen, Aspen."
"Oops?" I give him a cheeky grin, not the least bit sorry. Noah's kitchen is amazing, but it is not properly equipped for baking.
Giant grins back, shaking his head. "Where do you want all of this shit?"
"Kitchen, please." I start to slip under his arm to help him unload everything from the back of his employee's truck.
"Fuck, no," he says, stepping in front of me. "Back inside."
"Serious as a heart attack. Your man isn't banning my big ass from the arena because you broke the rules."
I scowl up at him. "You're way more fun when you're not in charge of me."
Amusement flashes in his eyes. "Mischief tells me the same thing," he says, referring to his wife, Bella. "But you'll thank me later."
I wrinkle my nose at him, making him laugh. But I give up on the idea of helping carry stuff in. Giant may be a madman more often than not, but he takes his job seriously. There's no way he's letting me step foot outside until Noah and Dillon give the all clear.
It takes him four trips to haul everything inside. He's wiping sweat by the time he finishes. "You really need all this shit?"
"Do you want fresh scones and cookies?"
"Uh, fuck yeah."
"Then yes, I need all this stuff."
He chuckles, holding his hands up. "I'm just going to take my big ass out of your kitchen and mind the business that earns me scones."