Page 8 of Nordic Mafia
I breathe out. “Let him in. It’s my underboss.”
Dolph comes barging into the room and Tamsin cowers up against the wall and I understand what she’s feeling. Dolph isn’t exactly a beauty queen.
“Are you ready?” he asks and I nod. He moves to help me up when Tamsin interferes. Her brows curve and she has a bossy streak around her mouth that I haven’t seen before.
“Uh...what is it that you think you’re doing? Let go of him immediately.”
She doesn’t get a response from either of us and she turns red in the face. “Did you hear what I said? Let go of my patient or I’m calling security!” Tamsin runs for the door while Dolph moves to stop her and I hiss similar to a cobra,
“Do not fucking touch her.”
My voice fills the room like a shadow and both Tamsin and Dolph freeze. I calmly look up at my underboss. “Not a finger on her. I don’t even want a hair from your head to land on her, understand?” Dolph nods, moving to help me again and Tamsin’s jaw slacks.
“This is madness. You can’t leave the hospital, Viper. You’re supposed to be here for at least six more days...”
“I can’t stay, angel. I have many enemies. In this hospital I am weak, vulnerable. I’ll be safer in my own headquarters.”
“You’re just leaving then?” She looks stunned before sadness flickers in her eyes. “I thought we’d at least have a little more time together.”
“Who says we won’t. You’re coming with me.”
Fidgeting with her hands, Tamsin throws me a helpless glance. “What?”
“He said you’re coming with us, now move,” Dolph barks and I make a c-grip around his throat.
“Gentle,” I snarl between my teeth, “when you talk to her you will do so gently.”
Dolph gasps for air, his eyes rolling back in his head until his whites show and Tamsin shudders.
“Careful...” she pleads, “he didn’t mean to be rude.”
If she wants me to let go then I’ll let go. Besides, I think that Dolph has learned his lesson.
“Thank her,” I say and Dolph’s eyes widen as he looks at Tamsin who looks just as shocked.
“Thank you,” he grits and her face colors. “Now will you be so kind and follow me and Roz to the car?”
Wrapping her arms around her body, Tamsin murmurs, “But my shift isn’t over yet. There’s still four hours left.”
So loyal to her duty. She needs to be loyal to me and I need to figure out a way to get her to oblige.
“I won’t survive without you, angel.” I put on a suffering expression on my face. “Someone needs to look after my wounds.”
Biting her lip, she nods. “I’ll go for a little while. Only because you need me to.” She gives me a smile but I can still sense the hesitation in her. I’m going to have to squeeze that hesitation out of her and I think I already have an idea. It’s not a bad one.
Truth is we could use someone like her. I assess her, looking into her intelligent eyes, thinking about her quick hands and the softness in her heart. In fact she’ll even be...perfect.
We walk into the hallway and only a few ceiling lights are lit. It’s night and most patients are asleep. Throwing a look over my shoulder I make sure Tamsin is following. It hurts to turn around like that and I grimace involuntarily. When Tamsin sees my agony, she runs up to me and starts walking beside me. I soften, nearly turn to mush and I bend down and give her a kiss on her fragrant head. A small smile flashes on her face and our fingers interlace. We pass the counter but there’s no nurse sitting there.
I frown when Tamsin quickly jumps behind the counter and she gives me a quick look. “Just signing you out. If this is what you really want.” When I tell her it is, she slowly shakes her head to herself and I know she doesn’t like this but this is mob life. Outside, the black car is waiting for us.
Tamsin slides in through the back and I do the same. Dolph gets behind the wheel and throws us a stunned look but I tell him to keep his eyes on the road. I know what he’s thinking. We don’t have women on the compound. If any of us wants to enjoy one, it’s done outside. Our compound is considered sacred to many of us and those allowed in have to go through excruciating rituals to prove themselves worthy.
In Tamsin’s case she’s already proved she’s worthy. She proved it in that alley, trying to help me and fuck...coming across someone like that is difficult these days. I’m still not convinced she’s not an actual enchanted being, and I clasp her hand and her skin is a bit cold as if she’s nervous. There’s no need. She will be well taken care of, treated like a queen but her eyes are still wide as we drive out on the highway.
To someone like me it’s unbelievable to have someone like her close. She’s everything my dirty dreams were made of as a teen, a fantasy come to life only that she’s better. Tamsin is real. And I can’t help but worry in the back of my mind if this is some kind of a trick. Judging by the life I’ve led, the universe should be punishing me not rewarding me with a gift. My fadir used to say that bad men never get what they want, they take it. But my chosen one is willing. I can tell by the softness in her body, the way she tries to scoot closer to me even though it makes her bite her lip as if she doesn’t want to come across as too needy.
Her seatbelt prevents her from doing what she wants and I turn to her. Her jaw relaxes and she drags a breath. “Are you okay? In pain?”