Page 157 of Nordic Mafia
Her lids lower. “What a compliment coming from you. You must’ve had many lovers.”
I look away at the embarrassing question before slowly shaking my head. “Never...I’ve never...”
“This was your first time?” she asks, looking at me in shock and she gets up on her elbow. “But why...,” she trails off, “are women another thing you deny yourself?”
In response, I give a curt nod and she shivers, putting her head on my chest. “Then it’s a good thing we found each other.”
My heart squeezes from knowing we’re on the same page and I stroke her hair. “In your were crying out for your daddy...?”
She curls up, shaking her head. “I don’t want to talk about it, not when I’m this happy and relaxed. He wasn’t a decent man.” A smile curves her mouth before she looks up at me with admiration. “And he was nothing like you.”
Slowly exhaling through my teeth, I decide not to argue. If this little thing insists on thinking the highest good of me, then I’m not going to stop her. “You know you’re mine now,” I whisper in her ear, “and one day you’ll have to show me the entry to your heart.”
Her head moves in a dutiful nod even though she doesn’t know what she’s agreeing to. She may be willing to show me the entrance but that doesn’t mean she won’t kick me out...the moment she finds out what I’ve done. But I don’t want to think about that now and I groan, “Silver?” When she hums in response, I rasp, “Beard’s feeling a bit dry, sweetheart.”
“Huh?” she whispers in confusion and I grin, before scooching and putting my face between her legs and I let out a chuckle, when she cries, “Oh no, you’re going to make me wet it...?”
“Damn right,” I groan, licking my lips. “Now lay still.”
“The storm’s still raging,” Silver says and she sounds excited, her nose plastered up against my window. “And look at those waves, don’t you ever get scared living this close to the sea?”
“Shaking in my bootstrap, every day,” I reply, chuckling and I rummage around a drawer, searching for my pipe. Finding it, I add some tobacco before lighting up and I throw Silver a glance. “You mind? Wouldn’t want to bother those little lungs.”
“Go ahead,” she shrugs, looking around my place and while it’s not much, I do have the means to spoil her for the rest of her life. Just don’t like spoiling myself that’s all and I sit down in a chair by the unlit fire. Silver pales when she finds my collection of weapons but doesn’t say anything and then she carefully peeks at me. “Hey it really true you listen to my show?”
Nodding my head, I reply, “All the time.” I press the radio and a recording of her voice flares in the room. Her eyes widen before she laughs,
“You’re so old fashioned...I love that.”
My heart sinks at the sound of her laughter and it warms my bones in the same way blocking the wind does. I love having her here, her sparkling face, her robust body and healthy and youthful energy feels like a blast from the sky. Those thundering thighs of hers will be the death of me and that laughter lifts my spirits until I want her to bear the children, I yet don’t have.
“Do you ever miss the city?” she asks and seems surprised when I shrug. “You do? I assumed you found it peaceful here.”
“It is peaceful,” I reply and I’m not sure how she’ll react to this but I add, “I miss my brother’s, miss being with them at the compound, boozing, drinking, cursing...” I drag a hand down my face, stopping my story when I catch Silver looking hesitant.
Tensing, I murmur, “They’re good guys, girl. Loyal as hell and willing to risk their lives for anyone they love.”
Wrapping her arms around her waist, she nods, “If you say so.” She walks over to me. “If you call a rake a spade, then it’s a spade.” Biting her lip, she hooks her finger beneath my sleeve before gently pulling.
I allow it, wondering what she’s up to when Heidi comes into view and she starts stroking it with her fingertips. The letters are a bit faded, since it’s been years that I had them inked but it may as well have been yesterday. Shuddering from both how good and bad it feels having her touch it, I search for her eyes but she’s not looking at me. “I’ve never really liked that name,” she murmurs, almost absently and I tense a little.
“Ah...I do. I think it’s lovely.” Pulling down my sweater, I avert my gaze and Silver does a deep inhale.
“I wish you’d let me in,” she murmurs, a tinge of frustration in her voice and I blow out smoke. It distracts her and she lets out a snigger when I create a circle and she immediately bursts it. “Sorry, couldn’t help it.”
“You’re already bursting my heart, might as well burst everything else.”
Her lids lower, cheeks tinting and a look of pride flashes in her eyes. “Someone like you doesn’t open up that easily, does he?” When I nod, she lowers her voice, whispering, “I can tell the past has hurt you and I just want to...”
“If you want to help then how about you give an old man a lap dance?” I interrupt, leaning back and she gasps. Her eyes zone in on mine, her lower lip doing a little shudder before she nods.
“If a lap dance is what my man wants then a lap dance is what he shall get,” she says with a determined jerk to her chin. From the way she looks into my eyes, I get the feeling there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for me.
“Atta girl,” I groan in approval, slapping my knee and excitement flares in my veins. There are no neighbors around, nobody’s able to look through the small windows. It’s just me and her and her face shines from delight, eyes glittering and I’m too scared to blink in case I miss anything. Reaching out, I turn on the radio and a slow song but with a good enough beat starts playing. A smile curves her mouth as if she likes it and she starts moving around, rolling her hips until I forget all about the tobacco and I’m forced to put the pipe down.