Page 136 of Nordic Mafia
Freya licks her lip, whimpering a little when I push into her but she stops me by turning around and putting her hands on my chest. “There’s something I haven’t told you and I don’t want you to freak out.” Frowning, I look down at her, surprised because Freya is way too emotional to keep anything from me. “Someone came by today.”
Tensing, I squeeze her upper arms and look her in the eyes. “Who? An agent?”
“No,” she breathes, “my uncle. They’ve found us, Ram.”
“Fuck,” I curse, ready to go look for my weapons but she hurries to explain,
“It’s not what you think. He wants us to come back. Both of us...or well, the three of us.”
“Why?” I say suspiciously. “What’s his motive?”
“There isn’t one. He wants his family back and he regrets going so hard on you.” She swallows. “Regrets it because as it turns were telling the truth about not revealing too much about us.” She inhales. “They got nothing.”
Of course they got nothing. Which means the mafia is still well and thriving but I’m not that keen on us going back. Our life here is good. A little bit isolated maybe...
“Please, Ram,” Freya whispers. “Accept his offer. For me. I know that before, all I wanted was to be free but now all I want is to be back with everyone. ”
“You miss that life?” I rasp, stroking her hair back and she nods. “Me too.”
Her eyes flare in surprise. “Oh, I knew it!” she cries, throwing her arms around my neck. “I knew you were one of us deep down.”
“Only because my wife deep down has a serious thing for mobsters.”
Her eyes shimmer as she gazes up at me and she bites her lip. “You caught that did you? And you’re not wrong, feels like I’m about to get pregnant again just by looking at you.
I grin. “Let’s make sure just in case,” I say and she squeals, squeezing my muscles and a kid will definitely be made before dinner.
The End
Mobster’s Home
It’s a big world out there and I’m supposed to be a big girl, yet I feel like bursting into tears as I hop onto the metro. People shove at me left and right, trying to get ahead and I wonder what happened to basic decency when a man nearly knocks down a stroller in his eagerness to get a seat.
Did someone squeeze humanity out of everyone when we weren’t looking and now it’s all about dog eat dog? Popping down on a seat, I wrap my coat tighter around me and drag an annoyed breath. This is a fifteen minute ride home but I want it to go on forever. I don’t want to go home, I’m cold when I’m at home, the radiators are not working properly and there’s a leak in the ceiling that my landlord claims I’m solely responsible for. I have no idea how the heck I’m supposed to have caused it but reasoning with him is useless.
I do not look forward to my cold, hard bed especially not after a long day like this one. While I am lucky to have a wonderful job, I still wish I could be fortunate enough to move out of my dump. For a while I had a roommate but he kept leaving crumbs everywhere and refused to pay half his rent, so that experiment ended in a disaster. He didn’t make much of a fuss when I asked him to leave but what he did do was rob me of all my savings. I’m not sure how but somehow he found out the PIN to my credit card and went full on reverse Robin Hood, to my detriment.
I’d intended to use those savings to get a better place but now I’m back on square one again and I sigh to soothe the overwhelm. They say things always work out in the end and I just have to believe it and think positively. I rub my hands together for some warmth since its always chilly sitting on these plastic seats, and I shiver when cold air blows over my knees when the doors open again.
A stream of new people enter, senior citizens snacking on hard bonbons, a group of rambunctious teens, Wall Street brokers as well as two men that ruthlessly tower over everyone else. They catch my attention, probably without even meaning to and I squirm in my seat at the sight of them. My heart thrashes when I get a look at the profile of the taller one. He seems to be deep in thought, brows aggressively curving over eyes resembling the northern lights. His lashes are inky, cheekbones high and cold in an arrogant way, his undercut hair a mixture of silver blond and black and it’s the only thing on him that looks touchable.
He’s too harsh otherwise, sharper than the blade of a midlevel weapon and he’s the kind of man that cuts people in two with just a look. Power emits from his persona and it’s as if I can smell darkness on him but instead of screaming at me to run the other way, it urges me to come closer. My skin suddenly begins feeling itchy, my throat dry and I’m not the only one who has reacted to the man. The whole metro can feel him, people clutching their purses tighter to their chests while throwing nervous glances at each other.
The man’s made an impression on everyone and it’s not necessarily a good one. It feels as if something’s about to go down and I gulp, trying to think happy thoughts, happy thoughts...Here I was working hard to be positive, yet this is what I attracted; a male who looks like his heart is black instead of red. The lights flicker as the men push their way down and it only adds to their ferocity, causing people to make themselves as small as possible to not get noticed. My pulse races as the two men prowl over to a slouching male sitting opposite me, two seats to the left and they sort of surround him.
“Hello John boy,” the tall man purrs, baring his teeth and he looks down at him while his partner clenches his fists. The man called John looks about ten times more panicky than the rest of us, his face pale, his lips the same color as chalk. “You’re coming with us at the next stop,” the tall, Viking looking one continues. “We have business we need to take care of, remember?”
John nods frantically, biting into his lip and I let out a squeak when he draws blood. The silver haired man throws an annoyed look over his shoulder that quickly morphs into something else. I lose my breath when our eyes meet and I don’t know if he wants to kill me or do other things to me that are just as physical but not as violent.
I avert my gaze, pretending we didn’t just stare at each other for what had to have been at least thirty seconds while my blood keeps running hot and cold. I glance at the other passengers, registering their uneasiness and I can just tell these two men have bad intentions.
Trembling, I throw a distressed peek at the tall man who’s still watching me with a perplexed look in his eyes as if he’s fallen into a trance. I wonder if he’s mad at me and if he’s going to deal with me right after John.
We come to a stop again and I quit breathing. John tenses when he’s grabbed around the upper arm and the other man says, “Derex?”