Page 28 of Chase
He nodded once. “Good. Meeting adjourned until tomorrow morning.”
With that, he strode out of the room and headed outside, pulling a blunt from his pocket. Aaliyah quickly followed him, her worried eyes on his back. I sighed. “What do you think Johnston knows?” I asked Scorpion once the room was cleared.
Scorpion shrugged, standing beside me, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Johnston is full of secrets. But if he wants Gabriel protected, then he knows something we don’t.” He looked at me. “When Johnston cares about something, he’ll tear the world apart. This war is about to be bloody as fuck.”
I nodded. I knew that, too. I just hoped we didn’t end up with casualties. But there was no backing out now. We were eyeballs deep in this mess, and I could already taste the blood of war on my tongue.
Blayke grunted and adjusted his elbows, digging them into the dirt. I quietly snickered when he grumbled under his breath about this being absolute bullshit. “Getting too old?” I whispered.
He rolled his eyes at me, but his lips twitched with a smirk. “Fuck you, Chase.”
I quietly laughed and lifted my binoculars back to my eyes, looking around the exterior of the Ghosts of Chaos’s clubhouse for the VP. Gidget was creeping around the exterior of the building, his stealth remarkable. If I didn’t know he was there, I’d never notice him. He slunk through the shadows like he was part of them.
It was kind of creepy, but hell, at least he was on my side. I’d hate to be faced with a man I couldn’t detect. And none of these assholes were detecting him. They were just partying and drinking like nothing was amiss.
Dom was watching Gidget’s back from his high-up position on a tree branch, and I could hear him whispering in our earpiece, though Gidget never responded. It was too risky to. But at least he was getting the intel he needed to remain safe, even if sometimes I thought Gidget was invincible.
“Movement in an upstairs window,” Dom said quietly. I lifted my binoculars, looking up at one of the windows. Sure enough, a woman was looking out the curtains, her eyes wistfully staring up at the sky like she just wanted to escape. It made me sick to my stomach.
“Christ,” I whispered. Blayke grunted in agreement. It was clear she was a captive. But I couldn’t do a rescue mission tonight. That kind of thing had to be cleared by Johnston, and a lot of recon and organizing had to go into something like that. But I’d make sure it was brought to the table at some point.
So far, we’d been out here for two hours, and we had to wait for darkness to descend before we could even get onto the grounds with Gidget. One, we didn’t have the stealth Gidget did, and two, too many of us on the lot at one time would just spark mayhem and get us caught.
“Fuck. Gidget, he’s outside lighting up now.”
My muscles tensed, ready to spring into action. It was through sheer training that I kept my ass parked exactly where I was at. Too much commotion could fuck everything up, and all of us could end up tortured and killed instead of the fucking vice president.
I wasn’t afraid of dying by any means. I knew I was headed to Hell. But I wouldnotleave my woman unprotected in the midst of this chaos.
“Hello, fucker,” I heard Gidget murmur before he grunted. Looked like he took the opportunity while he had it—even in broad fucking daylight. “Get to the van,” Gidget quietly ordered. “I’ll meet you there.”
Blayke and I crawled backward and then stood to our feet, heading through the trees lining the property to get to the van parked down the road. I threw open the backdoors as Dom got into the passenger seat. Gidget appeared out of the tree line, the VP thrown over his shoulders. The only sign of strain from carrying the heavy man was Gidget’s clenched jaw.
He stepped into the back and then dropped the fucker with a heavy thud, making the van bounce and creak. I shut the doors and then climbed into the back seat, lighting up a cigarette. Dom immediately headed toward the cellar we used out in the middle of the woods about thirty minutes away.
“Got another one of those?” Gidget asked, nodding at the cigarette in my hand.
Silently, I grabbed a cigarette out of my pack and held it out to him, passing him my lighter after. He handed me the lighter back a moment later, and I rested my head back against the headrest, closing my eyes for a moment, finally relaxing the tiniest bit for the first time indays.
We had the other asshole who had touched my woman. And tonight, he would pay for ever daring to target her.
“How hard did you hit him?” Blayke asked, nudging the VP’s leg. I snorted when nothing happened, my fourth cigarette of the night dangling from between my lips. I was getting fucking impatient, and it was showing in the chain-smoking I was doing.
Tango was leaning against the wall. He’d been waiting once I called him with the news we had the VP of the Ghosts of Chaos. From what I understood, he just wanted to witness this fucker die. And I was more than happy to be of service.
“Hard enough that he wouldn’t wake up while we were on the way here,” Gidget retorted.
“Here,” Dom said, coming over with a bucket of cold water. I stepped back right before he threw it at the fucker’s face. Tango snickered.
The VP immediately began to splutter, his eyes popping open like he was never out to begin with. A smirk curved my lips, blood lust slinking through my veins, consuming me.
I was beyond ready to make him bleed.
“How long did you think you could fake it?” I asked him, cocking my head to the side the slightest bit. “I give you an A for your acting. It was damn good. Had me fooled for sure.”