Page 2 of Chase
The guys used to give me shit for it all the time, but I was pretty sure they were at the point they wanted it, too. We were all getting old, and we all had enough money to fill a fucking lake each, but we had no one to share it with. And watching Scorpion and Jessica raise a kid together left the rest of us wondering what the hell we were really doing with our lives.
“Regular?” Sophia asked, yanking me out of my head.
I blinked, then nodded as she rounded the counter. “Yeah, my regular is fine. Thanks.” I watched her, running my eyes over her curvy figure, lingering on her ass a little too long for decency. But fuck, it was a great ass. One of these days, I was going to get a handful of it, and I couldn’t wait.
I was going to worship her like she was my own personal temple.
“Any chance you might agree to a date?” I asked her this every fucking day I came in here like a broken record, but I was hoping one of these days, she might cave or just finally have enough of me asking and give me what I wanted.
I knew I should’ve respected her answer the first time, but just because I was a hopeless romantic didn’t mean I wasn’t also a fucking caveman. Because I was. I would do just about anything in the world to get what I wanted.
And damn, if I didn’t want her.
She scowled at me, her eyes darkening with a bit of anger. “Chase, how many times do I have to tell you no before you get it? I willneverdate you. I willneverbe interested in you. You’re acriminal. I have no interest in the likes of you.”
I grinned—couldn’t fucking help it. That sassy attitude of hers would never fail to make me crave her like an addict.
I handed her a ten and grabbed my coffee off the counter when she set it down. “You’ll change your mind one day, cupcake. I know you will.” I winked at her and backed up from the counter as she glared at me. “Keep the change.”
With that, I spun on my heel. My phone rang as I reached the door, Scorpion’s name on the burner.
Fuck. He never disturbed my coffee time—or well, Sophia time—unless it wasn’t important.
“Yeah?” I asked, pausing before I walked out the door.
“Need you at the clubhouse for church. Emergency meeting.”
“On my way.”
I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket as I headed out the door to my bike. Emergency church wasn’t ever good news. It usually meant some shit was happening with one of the charters, and if it was the mother charter, God help us all. We wouldallget dragged into a fucking war, whether it was our charter’s beef or not.
“What’s going on?” I asked as soon as I walked into the chapel, my lukewarm coffee in my hands. I hated when I didn’t get to enjoy Sophia’s hard work when it was piping hot.
Scorpion scratched at his beard. It was badly in need of a trim. No doubt, Jessica was already haggling him about it.
“Johnston is facing trouble, and he needs extra guns quickly. Half of you are riding up there, and you need to fucking be careful. Chase, you and Halo are in charge. Clear the run route with him. You leave tonight. I expect you to be at the mother charter before sunrise. Understand?”
I nodded once. “Crystal clear, Prez. How many guns?”
“Johnston is requesting fifteen crates—six with guns, the rest with ammunition.” Christ, that was a lot.
I drummed my fingers on the old, oak table, doing the math in my head. “If we leave here at dusk, load up, and hit the road as soon as it turns dark, we can make it there about six in the morning,” I said. Halo nodded in agreement. I looked at Scorpion. “We got your approval to load up early?”
He nodded. “Be careful about it, you hear me? Stay under the radar.”
I nodded once. “Should we be worried if the mother charter is facing trouble?” Reese asked. “Should Mark and I be looking into finances?” Reese was our secretary, and Mark was our treasurer. They made sure we had funds for shit like this and any other thing we did as a club.
Scorpion nodded. “Be fucking worried. If Johnston gets into a mess, it hits all of us. Watch your backs. Get club funds ready. It’s going to be needed.”
Wars were a goddamn hard thing to deal with. I’d seen the strain it put on other clubs, and now, we were about to feel its wrath.
Scorpion slammed his gavel on the table, adjourning church and sealing our fates.