Page 261 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
We walk into the restaurant and wait to be served. A sexy voice sounds from the left. “Blake.” We turn to see a red-hot brunette. She’s wearing a skintight dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.
“Hey, Cleo.” He smiles; he kisses her cheek. “You’re looking fucking amazing.” He holds her hand up as his eyes drop down her body so he can inspect her properly. “When are we catching up?”
“Tonight?” She smiles sexily.
“Sounds perfect.”
She saunters off, and we all stare after her.
“Weren’t you just telling us that you want Rebecca?” I raise my eyebrow.
“I believe that’s true,” Antony replies.
Blake rolls his eyes. “A man’s not a camel. I need to feed the beast. I’m here for a good time, not a long time.”
I chuckle at his answer. Typical Blake Grayson.
2:46 a.m.
The phone buzzes on the nightstand, and half-asleep, I glance over.
Who would be calling me at this time of night?
Nursing home.
I snatch it up and walk out of the room. I close the door behind me so that I don’t wake Juliet. “Hello.”
“Hello, is that you, Henley?” Her voice is calm and unwavering.
“What’s wrong?” I snap.
“Unfortunately, your father has had a fall and taken a turn for the worse. We are not sure if he had a spell first that caused him to fall out of bed or if he fell out of bed and that set off the events. He’s hit his head rather badly, and the ambulance is here. They are taking him to the emergency room.”
“Do you think he needs stitches in his head?” I ask as I walk downstairs.
“Henley, he’s unconscious.”
I stop midway on the stairs. “He didn’t wake up after he hit his head?”
“No, he didn’t.”
The world spins . . .
“I’m sorry.”
The air leaves my lungs.
“He’s headed to Memorial Hospital.”
“I’m on my way.”
I run home and get dressed as fast as I can. I pull out of my driveway at record speed.
Please, be okay.