Page 256 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
I peel Taryn’s arms from around me. “You should get a drink, Taryn.”
“Are you coming?” She bats her eyelashes. Why she thinks that is attractive is beyond me.
“Sure, give me a minute, and I’ll be over.”
She toddles off, and Blake returns to us.
“What was that about?” Antony asks him.
Blake leans in close so that nobody can hear us. “Turns out Winston is a freak in the sheets.”
“He wants a script for Viagra.”
“You’re shitting me,” I reply, fascinated. “Who the hell is Winston fucking?”
“No idea, he said he has a lot of options.” He taps his beer bottle with mine and then Antony’s. “Goals.”
Antony’s eyes are locked on Winston as he talks to people. “What kind of options?”
Blake looks around casually. “I don’t know. He’s pulling granny fanny left, right, and center, apparently.”
I snort my beer up my nose, and Antony bursts out laughing. “There’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear.”
“So did you give it to him?” I ask.
“The script.”
“I have to examine him first. Don’t want the fucker to die of a heart attack in the middle of the deed.”
“Good point.”
Mason appears at the door. “Hey,” he hollers as he makes a grand entrance.
“Hi, Mason,” everyone calls in reply.
“Fuck me,” Blake mutters under his breath. “Why does he talk so fucking loud? We’re not deaf, you idiot.”
“Hadn’t noticed that before, but . . .” I shrug. “You’re right, he does.”
“Just be grateful that he doesn’t have his shirt off,” Antony mutters as he looks him up and down.
I chuckle. “Feeling inferior, Ant?”
“Nope.” He sips his beer. “Just skinny.”
“Who’s that?” Blake frowns over to the door as someone walks in. My eyes roam over to the good-looking guy who just arrived.
“Oh, that’s Liam, Juliet’s brother. Remember the one I thought she was engaged to? Turns out he’s not a bad guy.”
“Where’s his girlfriend?”
“She died.”
Blake curls his lip in disgust as he looks him up and down. “What did you invite him for?”