Page 228 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
“I have a million things on.”
“Hmm.” I try to sweeten the deal. “A week in the sun and the ocean with me in a string bikini, my big buff boyfriend rubbing suntan oil all over my body. Making love on the beach under the moonlight.”
“Sounds terrible.” A trace of a smile crosses his face, and I know our fight is over.
I smile and kiss him. “So can we?” I really want to reset away from here and all our crappy memories.
“When do you want to go?” he asks.
“Next week?”
“Next week?” he gasps. “I can’t pack up and go away in a week.”
“Why not? Aren’t you the boss?” I smile hopefully. “If I can organize someone to cover my shifts next week and Chloe can look after Barry and check on your dad, can we go?”
He exhales heavily.
“Chloe is a nurse. She can check on your dad every day. She will call us immediately if you are needed here, and we can come straight home.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“So . . . I’m taking that as a yes. I’m an optimist, you know.”
He rolls his eyes. “Goodbye, Juliet.”
I grab the lapels of his suit and pull him to me. “Goodbye, my grumpy, hot boyfriend.”
He screws up his face in disgust. “I don’t like that term.”
I giggle. “Hurry up and marry me, then, so you can be my mister.”
His face falls.
“Joking!” I laugh at his horror. “Relax, it was a joke.”
“Not a funny one, Juliet.”
“Yeesh . . .”
He walks to the door and looks back at Barry and me. “You need to wash the coffee cups before you leave.”
I widen my eyes and point to the door. “Go to work.”
I sit in the café with my heart in my throat. I feel like shit. This is not Joel’s fault. This is a circumstance of very bad timing. Joel comes into view, and he waves and smiles when he sees me. “Hi.” He bends and kisses my cheek.
I’m an asshole.
“Hello.” He smiles as he falls into the chair opposite me.
“I already ordered us coffee.” I shrug. “Hope that’s okay.”
“Sure, coffee before lunch. I’m down.”
I stare at him. There’s no easy way to say this. “I’m sorry for Saturday, Joel,” I say softly.