Page 199 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
“What?” I gasp. “Fuck her.”
“That’s exactly what he did,” Chloe snaps.
I’m shocked to my core. “What do you even say to this?”
“He said that he thinks that we met too young and that he just needed to do some sexual exploration but he knows that it’s me who is the love of his life.”
I stare at Rebecca. “How do you feel about this?”
“What are you going to do?”
“Can we kill him?” Chloe chimes in from the sideline. “Let’s kill him and bury his body in your backyard, Jules.”
I giggle. “Tempting, although Barry would probably dig him up.”
“Good old Bazza.” Chloe smiles. “He can chew on his bones and shit.”
“He told me he fired her from work,” Rebecca says.
“Is that true?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t been into his office, obviously, but I would assume she would have resigned in case I did go in there.”
“True.” I sip my drink. “What must the other secretaries think of her?”
“They probably all knew. I feel like such a fool.”
“Don’t,” I snap. “He’s the fool. You remember that.”
“And then he did something that really broke my heart,” Rebecca says sadly.
“He said that he hadn’t seen her since I found out and that he was never going to see her again.”
My eyes hold hers. “Why did that break your heart?”
“Here we are, laying our hearts out on the table, discussing his infidelity in great detail, anal and all. He’s telling me that I’m the love of his life, apologizing and telling me it’s the biggest regret of his life, and yet . . . he’s still lying about seeing her. I know for a fact he is staying at her house. I’ve driven past and seen his car there.”
My heart sinks.
“And then while he was talking and begging for forgiveness, I had an epiphany.”
“What was it?”
“He’s always going to lie about seeing her. Even in a conversation about saving our marriage, he’s still lying. I can never trust him again. We can’t save this. It’s too far gone.” Her eyes well with tears. “My marriage is officially over.”
“God, Bec.” I take her hand over the table and hold it in mine. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” Chloe says sadly.
The waiter arrives with our new round of drinks. “Thanks.” I smile.
Rebecca takes one and holds it up for a toast. “Tonight, we’re celebrating.” We smile and hold our drinks up to hers. “To new beginnings.”
Wednesday morning