Page 174 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
“She’s not that great,” I lie. “I feel like Taryn is better suited to a guy like you.”
Mason nods as he contemplates his perceived choices.
There are no choices, fucker. You can’t have Juliet.
End of story.
“No. I want Juliet,” he says defiantly.
Taryn interrupts us as she walks back in through the door. “We’re ready to go.”
Mason stands. “Here’s my hot little date.” He puts his arm around Juliet, and I stare at the two of them together.
Don’t even fucking think about it.
Our Uber arrives, and we walk out to meet it. “I’ll sit in the front seat, Mason,” Henley says as he opens the car door.
Taryn bends over to climb into the car. She’s wearing a white wetsuit dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Honestly, where does she even buy this stuff?
Henley watches her ass and raises an eyebrow at me.
Don’t even . . .
“No, sit next to me, Henley,” Taryn calls out of the Uber.
Henley climbs in beside her.
I’m glad he’s having fun. That makes one of us.
The drive is long. Taryn and Mason jabber on, but I can’t concentrate. All I can think about is Henley’s thick thigh muscles pressed up against mine.
“Ha, ha.” Taryn laughs out loud as she tells a story.
“You are kidding me.” Mason laughs.
“One time when I was in Bangkok,” Mason continues.
“Do you ever wonder how that country got that name?” Taryn replies. “I mean, I do. All the time. Bang cock. Go figure. Like back in the day, I wonder, were the people of the country just banging cocks the whole time?”
“Never thought of it like that.” Mason laughs out loud. “You’re incredible, Taryn.”
I roll my eyes. Seriously?
For fifteen minutes I listen to the most mundane stories of all time, and Henley hasn’t even looked my way.
The Uber pulls to the curb as we arrive at the club, and we all climb out.
Mason and Taryn walk in front, and Henley puts his hand on my waist as he ushers me through the crowd. My hormones go into overdrive at just a passing touch from him.
Suddenly I feel off.
I want to be here with him but under much different circumstances. I want to be alone and on a date, just the two of us, with no lies or other people.
What started out as a fun playing-hard-to-get game has somehow lost its sparkle.