Page 148 of My Temptation (Kingston Lane)
It’s real and raw, somehow more.
Hand in hand, we walk up the corridor of the hotel and back to our room.
He glances down at my stilettos. “I like those shoes.”
“Do you?”
His tongue slips out and runs over his bottom lip as if imagining something. “They’re going to look great around my ears.”
I know.
I smile up at my beautiful date.
This has been the best night in the history of all time. We’ve talked and laughed and kissed and made out in the elevator.
Henley James is the all-time ultimate date: handsome, funny, witty, intelligent, and let’s not forget sexy as fuck.
The entire time we were having dinner tonight, I didn’t know whether to laugh, swoon, or just bend over the table. This friends-with-benefits position definitely has its perks. There’s no denying that spending a night with this god is like winning the jackpot.
But I want more.
And weirdly enough, my gut tells me that he does too.
He hasn’t said so, of course, but I can hear the silent words hidden within his sentences. It’s the things that he doesn’t say out loud, the things he doesn’t articulate, and I don’t know how, but I already know what he’s feeling.
He’s right here with me, lost in a perfect moment of clarity. How could he not be? Together we’re perfect, and it’s not even about the sex—and trust me, the sex is a lot.
It’s the conversation, the laughter, and the way we get each other’s jokes. It’s him wrapping me in his coat on the way home so I wasn’t cold, the way he listens when I talk. The way he holds my hand, and the goose bumps I get when he looks at me.
He could have gone anywhere in the world tonight, and yet he chose to spend his birthday with me.
“How long is this corridor?” I frown. “We’ve walked at least five miles.”
He gives me a sexy wink. “This is the warm-up.”
“For what?” I play dumb.
“Bedroom Olympics.”
I burst out laughing, and he does too, and then he stops at a door. “This is us.” He fiddles around with the key as I run my hand down over his firm behind. His hands still, and I take it as a sign and unzip his jeans. He glances up the corridor and then back to me.
“I know what I want to give you for your birthday.”
“What’s that?”
I put my mouth to his ear for added effect. “I want to suck you off in public.”
His eyes widen, and I drop to my knees.
“Juliet,” he whispers as he looks up the corridor. “You’ll get us kicked out of the hotel.”
I pull his already-erect cock out of his jeans and take it in my mouth. “I don’t care,” I whisper around him.
“You’ll get us arrested.”
“We could do it in jail too.”
He chuckles and shudders as I flick my tongue over his end. Then, as if losing control, he grabs my hair in his hands and slides deep down my throat.