Page 72 of Bladed Kiss
A deep growl emanates from me as tension brews inside of my chest. As much as I wish to prod some more, I know this bastard won’t hear another word. I spin around, sighing with frustration as I march out of the door, slamming it shut.
Some of the other assassins glance over with curiosity. My glare causes them to turn away. A sudden wave washes over me, stripping the adrenaline from my body and leaving it feeling exhausted.
I ought to relax. After all, my secret is safe here, that much is certain. Still though, that damned minotaur expects something. I know suspicious, prying eyes when I see them.
I break away from Sythar’s office, wandering aimlessly as I get a grip on myself.
I bet that’s why he’s yet to give me my first contract.
Much time has passed since I completed my training as one of Nakam’s finest, three months to be precise. I think of Salina and how she received one almost instantly, wondering why I can’t have the same.
How much more time until ‘something is available’?
For an assassin to wait this long is unheard of. Graduates wait no longer than a month at most to receive their first contract, so my case is strange to say the least, something that my fellow associates agree with me on.
There are those who completed their training after me who have a handful of kills under their name already, the thought of which ignites a feeling of disrespect. Meanwhile, all I get is target practice.
I find myself in the canteen, mulling over my thoughts at a table by myself. As I eat, a familiar hand comes to rest on my shoulder. I peer up to see Salina, rising to greet her with a hug.
“Are you alright? Tell me what’s wrong,” she asks as she takes a seat beside me.
“Is it that obvious?” I chuckle. “Sythar is still refusing to give me a contract. Honestly, I’m beginning to wonder what was the point of it all? Why go through years of training if I’m going to sit here all day and let my skills collect dust?”
“Did he say why?”
“He says he’ll give me a contract when something comes for me, but I watch other assassins get shipped off each week. I don’t know, maybe I’m just not good enough.”
“Bullshit,” replies Salina. “You’re one of the best, far better than anyone I’ve ever seen, even myself.”
“Don’t tease me. I haven’t gotten the chance to prove myself yet.”
“I mean it,” she says reassuringly. “And I’m sure Sythar sees it too. Maybe he just wants to give you a target worthy of your time and skills. I’ve seen some of the ones on offer now, and even a recruit on day one of training can pull it off.”
“Perhaps so.” I shrug. Internally, I can’t help but feel there’s a deeper meaning behind it all, some insidious and crafty move pulled by the cunning hands of Sythar. Still, I don’t think Salina will understand, and so I choose to change the subject.
“Enough about me. How are you getting on? You and Denve have been living in that cottage for what, a month now?”
“That’s right. We’re doing well, thanks for asking.”
She checks the time on her stopwatch, rising from the table.
“I’ve got a class to teach. Why don’t you come with me? Maybe you can show the recruits a move or two, or take out some frustration on them.”
“Sure.” I chuckle, pushing an empty tray aside.
We continue chatting about her new life with Denve as we make our way to the training room. Stepping in, a group of new recruits stand to attention, nervous expressions written over their faces.
“Go on,” I say to Salina. “I’ll keep an eye out from the sidelines.”
Salina nods then moves to the front of the room, anxious sets of eyes following her as though she’s about to strike at any moment. She draws herself up, prompting her students to bow.
“Good afternoon recruits,” she announces. “Today, we’ll revise our combat lessons from the week and round off the month with some old fashioned sparring. Everyone breaks into pairs of two, and I’ll take on the remaining student.”
I laugh at the sight of the students scrambling to find partners, each prospect being snatched up like free money on the ground. Within seconds, a lone student glares at Salina, sweat running down his forehead.
“Alakar, come forth.”
“Yes, master!” he replies.