Page 63 of Bladed Kiss
Given their newfound attitude, I finally feel safe enough to be vulnerable with my parents.
“Well, truth be told, I plan on mating with her. I love her, Father.”
Avalon chuckles and nods.
“A good move on your part, my son. A woman like Salina is hard to find.”
I laugh, partly out of disbelief for how accepting he’s being.
“I can see you’re in a bit of shock about this all,” he chortles. “But there’s something else. Your mother and I had a conversation earlier, and we decided to dip into the manor fund for you.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Like we said at the dinner table, we only want what’s best for you. The only person who knows what’s best is yourself, so we want you to go off and make a life for yourself. We’ll grant you a share of the fund, so you take as much as you need.”
“Father, I…”
“Just promise me you’ll make the best life you can for yourself, and for your woman too.”
The news is a blessing directly from the gods, for this means Salina’s contract on me can be closed without issue. With our problems coming to an end, the future only spells happiness for both of us.
The Thuvrol mansion is larger and more opulent than I expected.
It has been very tastefully and simply decorated, but it is obvious that no expense has been spared.
I am in Denve’s chambers, and I am preparing to finish up for the evening.
Denve had to speak with his parents, and I can tell that he is thrilled that they are treating him warmly.
I still have my reservations about them – I do not trust anyone who could treat any of their children so poorly for so long.
But I will remain polite and courteous for Denve’s sake. And maybe, in the future, I will grow close with his mother and father.
I stand at the window of his bedroom, which is just opposite his bed. The Thuvrol mansion is built on the crest of a hill in the High Towns, and I can see all of Vhoig from where I stand.
I realize as I stand there that I am seeing Vhoig through different eyes.
When I first arrived in the city, I had no time to look around at it. I also thought that it was, compared to Milthar, filthy, noisy, and too busy.
But now I see a thriving, growing city. I see a city filled with young life. I see a city filled with joy that spills over from pubs and taverns.
I cannot help but think of Esra, who dances in her club in the Red District.
I’ll have to visit her before I leave.
I will never love Vhoig more than I love Milthar. The beautiful, almost secluded city of the minotaurs saved my life, and I cannot wait to return there.
I stand in front of the window until the sun starts to set, before I pull off my dress and walk to Denve’s large, fully equipped bathing room.
It is beautiful and is as lavish as the rest of the house. The bathtub is massive, and I can see that the zagfer servants of the Thuvrol mansion have already filled the bath with hot water.
They have also left jars of liquid soaps, lotions, and salves on the rim of the bath.
I open one jar and pour the liquid inside, into the bath. My senses are immediately filled with the fragrance of rirzed and gankoya. When I get into the bath, I let out a small moan as I allow myself to soak in the hot water.