Page 53 of Bladed Kiss
Ocuri scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t get snarky with me, brother,” he growls. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, eh? I must say, it suits you way more than our family manor.”
“Just leave and go get Father, would you? And bring your friends with you, too.”
“Denve, Denve, Denve,” chuckles Ocuri, shaking his head. “That won’t be happening.”
“Why not?” I ask. A numb feeling of dread fills my stomach.
Ocuri tilts his head as though analyzing me.
“Hmm, you are my brother so I suppose I owe it to you… Fine.”
“Owe what?” I ask with urgency. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“Don’t rouse yourself, Denve,” he warns. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later on.”
I clench my fists, internally feeling my stomach twist.
“That fancily crafted little letter of yours that was sent? You know, the one that was begging for the ransom? Neither Mother nor Father ever laid an eye on it.”
“What?” I gasp, the shock seizing the air from my lungs.
“I intercepted the letter before it got to them. I didn’t like what I saw, so I hid it in a place they’ll never find.”
I stumble over my words, dread growing into fear as I grip the window ledge behind me.
“Why?” I ask. “I don’t understand.”
“Need me to spell it out for you? So be it…” Ocuri takes a step closer.
“You’re weak, and a shell of an elf. All my life, I’ve seen how our parents have become influenced by your flaws. I always wondered why they never got rid of you… So I figured I would act as the responsible one and take matters into my own hands.”
A sinister smile stretches its way across his horrid face.
“Hell, you know yourself that I’ve always been the better son, yet somehow still they always had a soft spot for you. That’s what makes them weak, and in this day and age, there’s no room for weak minded people.”
“You’re not saying…”
“Oh, I’m saying exactly what you think I’m saying,” he chuckles. “I choose my words very carefully, such as what I’m about to tell you.”
He takes another step closer.
“I’m going to kill you. Only then will I finally gain the recognition I so rightfully deserve.”
“You sick bastard…”
“Then I’ll kill Mother and Father, gaining the estate, all of the money, and of course, the power.”
“No!” I yell. “Over my dead body!”
I spring forward like an arrow from a bow, lunging at my brother. I take him down to the ground and wrap my hands around his throat, squeezing as hard as I can.
“You motherfucker!”
Just then, I’m whisked off of my feet by his lackeys. They pin me against the nearest wall. They possess immense strength, but it pales in comparison to my rage. I headbutt the one on my right, knocking him back.
I grab the other and smash his head into the wall, then throw a punch at his gut. He keels over, where I then send him to the floor with a hook. Ocuri grabs me from behind.