Page 38 of Bladed Kiss
“Can we try that out together?”
I return the knife to his throat. “You have no idea how much it would satisfy me to run this across your neck right now.”
“Keep talking baby, I’m liking this talk about satisfaction.”
Going in circles, I keep my mouth shut. As much as I hate his stupid smile, I hate myself even more for liking it at the same time.
I don’t think I can talk my way out of this.
And I don’t think I want to.
She is fucking stunning. And I am very, very glad that she has finally given up that stupid disguise.
She was beautiful then, but now?
She is ethereal. She looks as though she was created by the Thirteen themselves. She looks like she was created just to be worshiped.
I want to worship her.
I have a sudden vision of her on a throne and me at her feet. The vision makes my cock harden instantly, and I swallow as I come to terms with the fact that I am deeply attracted to someone who is trying to kill me.
Her silver hair cascades down her back, swinging in time with the sway of her rounded hips.
Her golden eyes glint in the light of the loft we’re in. And I can see the same gold in her skin, as though someone has sprinkled gold dust onto her skin.
I am strangely relieved that she is letting me see her as she is.
Her hair, her eyes, her skin, the tattoos, all look so much more natural on her than the disguise she was wearing.
I exhale heavily and wince when the movement of my chest makes the ties around my body tighten slightly.
She is using magic, and this is further confirmation that she is not human.
I can see the magic in her, in her hair and her eyes, and even in the way she moves.
I can see the magic in the shape of her hands, in the curve of her neck and the way she tightens her lips when she looks at me.
She is clearly not a dark elf – I don’t know what she is – but she has magic, and she has a lot of it.
She is very powerful. Probably more powerful than you,I think to myself. When she catches me staring at her, her eyes narrow. With a flick of her fingers, she tightens the bonds around my body.
She walks up to me and pulls a knife from some hidden place on her body, pressing the tip of the blade to the skin under my chin.
I cannot help but laugh then and her eyes narrow more.
I only stop laughing when I feel droplets of what can only be blood roll down my neck.
“I’ll only kill you after I get the money I need,” she tells me in answer to my previous statement.