Page 35 of Bladed Kiss
She tells me this coolly, her voice like ice, and I don’t know what my family has done to her, but clearly it is bad enough that she is looking for blood.
She continues talking then. “I did not think you would figure me out as quickly as you did.”
Despite my fear of her, and my regret that she has clearly been out to get me from the start, I cannot help but want her more than I ever have.
She is so, so very beautiful, and I know I will never find another woman as beautiful as her.
I will never find a woman who makes me feel the way she does again.
Because you’ll be dead, you fool.
“It doesn’t matter that you figured it out though.” She takes another step towards me, and another, and another.
“Why not?”
This is it. This is the end of you.
She doesn’t answer me, continuing to prowl toward me. Her eyes are narrowed, cold, unforgiving.
What do I need to ask forgiveness for? I haven’t done anything!
Time seems to slow down, and I replay her words in my head.
My family owes her a debt, it seems. And I am going to be the one to pay.
Of course I am. I am always the one to pay.
“Why not?” I ask her again.
Why not? Why not? Why doesn’t it matter?
She moves so quickly that I do not see her. All I see is a dark shape cutting through the air above me.
This time when she grabs me, she does not do so with the intent of kissing me.
There is no romance behind her movements.
Instead she closes her hands around my throat and wraps her legs around my midsection.
She twists and pulls me with her, and my head starts to swim as she continues to press almost gently at my neck.
I see the ground coming, but I do not feel it.
Later on, I will know that I lost consciousness before I even hit the ground.
“How the hell am I going to get this son of a bitch back to the warehouse?” I ask myself as I stare at Denve’s unconscious body.
I employ the use of magic to temporarily grant me extra strength, dragging him through alleyways and darkened, silent streets. No one is out to spot me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a difficult time straining myself.
“You’re one heavy motherfucker,” I curse as I drag him along the ground.
I can’t help but to think I ought to have prepared for this by dragging sandbags back at Nakam, but from what I’ve heard from veteran assassins, each mission provides some sort of training in itself.
I feel trickles of sweat running down my body despite the fact my outfit was designed to keep me cool. After some time, I finally make it to the warehouse, where I’m greeted by the horrendous sight of stairs.