Page 30 of Bladed Kiss
I catch myself before I get close to the ground. Drawing on the energy I have just created by plummeting through the air, I drag myself up and grab hold of the rooftop that is just opposite the loft I am staying in.
The distance between the two rooftops was too wide for me to jump across, but from here it should be easy to make it across the rooftops, all the way to the part of Vhoig where music, lights, dancing, and lots of alcohol burns throughout the night.
I know exactly where I am going – a tavern in the club district – and I take a running leap across rooftop after rooftop.
Thank gods that Callista kept me fit,I think as I make it across the fifth rooftop.
I have various contacts in Vhoig, and Esra, the human woman who is a dancer in the Red District, was the one I met up with this morning.
She has an entire folder on Denve, and I know practically everything about him now. And nothing I have learned about him surprises me.
He spends a lot of his time like most young nobles do – drinking himself to death.
He doesn’t have an occupation of any kind and does not seem to be all that involved in the family business.
He is a waste. He has more wealth than I can ever dream of – his father probably owns most of Vhoig – and he cannot even find anything productive to do with his life.
He is a waste.
My thoughts about Denve are grim as I make it to the penultimate rooftop. I can see the tavern in the distance, and the rooftop closest to it will give me a perfect view of both the entrance and exit.
The distance between the two rooftops is again too wide for me to make a safe jump.
Callista could probably do it. She’d just go flying through the air.
For a second, I miss my best friend so deeply that it hurts. A lump threatens to form in my throat, and I blink hot, stinging tears away.
It has been ten days since my graduation from Nakam.
And I am finally here, doing the one thing I know will bring me peace.
There are people on the street below me, and I know that making the distance will require more magic than I am used to.
I focus on the space between the two buildings, and, after concealing myself, I vault myself up, drawing on the energy of the waves crashing against the ports of Vhoig.
Callista would be proud.I cannot help the thought as I arc gracefully through the air.
I fall to the rooftop but land and roll onto my feet instantly.
I am breathing heavily as I perch on the edge of the rooftop. I do not remove the concealment magic that makes me look like nothing more than a dark patch of shadow on the rooftop.
He should be here any minute.
Esra’s information seemed pretty solid, and for a second, I wonder about her. What is a woman like her doing as a dancer, when she could be using her abilities for something more exciting?
Like what you’re doing now? Sitting on a rooftop and chewing your fingernails?
I wonder if she was trained at Nakam, and I also wonder if her work as a dancer in one of the best clubs in the Red District is her cover.
I know that some of the richest dark elves on Protheka travel to this club to see their dancers and having access to that kind of clientele must serve her well.
It has been eight days since I received my mission from Sythar.
I can still remember the apprehensive expression on his face when he handed me the folder with all my contacts in Vhoig.
He didn’t think I could do it.