Page 4 of Built for Temptation
I had a feeling she was trying to see if she could induce labor, honestly.
“So what?” Adler demanded as he sat down. I shot him a thankful look, to which he nodded at me once in return. “Leave him alone.” Adler knew how I felt about people prying into my dating life. I didn’t usually mesh well with other women to do anything long-term. I wasn’t the kind of man most women wanted. I needed a woman who could keep me in line. Preferred a woman who wasn’t afraid to wear the pants in the relationship.
I looked at my watch and quickly pulled my truck keys out of my pocket, my phone in my other hand. “I’ll see you guys later.” I pressed a kiss to Athena’s cheek, since she was close to me. “If you go into labor, I want a phone call—date or no date,” I said, pointing a stern finger at her.
She laughed. “You’ll probably hear me screaming in joy and won’t need a phone call. Pretty sure all of Washington County will hear me rejoicing.”
I laughed and clapped a hand to Seb’s shoulder before making my way out of the clubhouse, shooting Harbor a text.
Elliot: On my way to grab dinner, and then I’ll be on my way over.
Harbor: Drive safe, handsome.
Harbor opened the front door as I pulled up to her house in my truck. It was a cute little brick house on a few acres of land, ensuring she had privacy while still having neighbors on either side of her. She lived right off Highway 24, so the sound of an eighteen-wheeler passing by her house was clear, even through the closed cab of my truck.
Grabbing the food off the passenger seat, I slid out of the truck, smiling wide at the sight of her. She was dressed in a pair of Batman sweatpants and a plain black crop top that hung off one shoulder. Her feet were bare, her dark, reddish-brown hair piled up into a messy bun on the top of her head with random strands hanging around her face.
I opened the backseat of my truck and grabbed out the small bag with the massage oil and lavender lotion so I could give her a massage after we’d finished eating.
“What movie are we watching?” I asked as I walked up the steps.
She rose onto her tiptoes and softly pressed her lips to mine. It was a short, sweet kiss—nothing deep or even remotely sensual about it—but it rocked my entire world on its axis all the same.
I was so gone over this woman.
“Jurassic Park,” she told me. “I’m on the third one, and after that, I’m switching to Jurassic World. Sound good?”
I kissed her cheek. “Sounds perfect, Har.”
She stepped aside, and I walked past her, toeing my boots off at the door before I followed her in my sock-covered feet to her living room. She had a U-shaped black leather sectional couch, and she settled on the side facing the TV. Once I was sitting beside her, I grabbed her tray, handing it to her with a plastic spork that the restaurant had sent with me.
When she opened the lid to the styrofoam container, the sexiest little groan crawled up her throat, and my dick plumped behind my zipper.
Tonight, I was going to do my damnest to get her to make that sound over and over again once I got my hands on her. Because it was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard in my life.
We were quiet as we ate, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. She was focused on the dinosaurs on the screen, and I couldn’t stop focusing on her. Her heat radiated to me, and she smelled so fucking good. And when she looked like this—laid back and just herself—it made me want to draw her into my arms and never let her go.
She was perfect, and I just wanted to cherish her so damn much.
“You done?” I quietly asked her when she closed her container, all of her food gone. And fuck, I really liked that—liked that she wasn’t afraid to eat all of her food around me. I’d gone on so many dates when I was younger with women who barely ate even a third of their meals, and I hated it.
“Yeah.” She grabbed my container from me and stood, heading to the kitchen.
“Baby, I could’ve done that,” I said, frowning after her.
She winked at me from the kitchen, making my heart flutter in my chest. “Why don’t you get that massage oil and lotion out, and I’ll go change my clothes?”
Fuck yes.
“Yes, ma’am,” I said immediately, reaching for the bag. She disappeared through a door on the other side of the kitchen, which was no doubt her bedroom door. She didn’t close it, and I had to press the heel of my hand against my dick to force it down.
She was driving me crazy. All this teasing she was doing was going to make me absolutely mad. Insane.
When she walked out of the room, all of my hard work to get my dick to soften was futile because it just hardened so fast, it made me dizzy. She was wearing nothing but a towel.
Just. A. Fucking. Towel.