Page 10 of Built for Temptation
“Yes,” I confirmed. “This is my boyfriend, Elliot.”
She grinned at him. “Everyone knows the Storm Hogs boys,” she teased, making him quietly laugh. “I hear you’ve been a bit sick,” she said as she slid onto her rolling stool. “No nausea. No pain. Just random bouts of throwing up?”
“Yes, that’s right,” I told her. “Pretty sure I know what’s wrong. I see it often enough in the ER.”
She smiled softly. “Well, I’m probably going to confirm what you’re already thinking, Harbor.” I grasped Elliot’s hand, somewhat for support but also because I was terrified he would walk away from me. I was already head over heels in love with him, and I wasn’t sure if my heart would survive him deciding a baby was too much to deal with, especially since we’d barely been together. “Harbor, according to the date of your last menstrual cycle, you’re seven weeks pregnant. Are your cycles normally spotty with your birth control?”
I laughed a little. “Like most patients on the depo shot, my periods are all over the place, but not enough to disturb me enough to come off of it.”
Dr. Lively nodded in understanding. “Well, you’re definitely pregnant, Harbor.” I looked up at Elliot, who was staring at me, a little fear in his eyes, but he hadn’t pulled away yet. In fact, he had tightened his hand around mine. I forced myself to look back at Dr. Lively when she spoke again, but I did squeeze Elliot’s hand, too, giving him support the best I could. “I’m going to start you on prenatals today, and next month when you come in, we’ll do an ultrasound. Sound good?”
“Sounds good,” I assured her.
She nodded once and then stood, grabbing an all-too-familiar paper sheet, handing it to me. I groaned, and she chuckled. “Go ahead and strip out of your bottoms for me. I need to do a pelvic exam. I’ll step out for just a minute.”
Never understood why that was a thing—like she wasn’t about to get all up and personal with my vagina and feel up my breasts.
When she left the room, I eased off the bed before grabbing Elliot’s face in my hands. “El?” I asked softly, worry constricting around my heart.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and crushed me to him, burying his face in my hair. “We’re going to have a baby,” he rasped.
I nodded, my fingers twisting in his cut. “We are,” I said softly. “Are you okay?”
He drew in a deep, shaky breath. “I need a little bit of time to wrap my head around it, but I know I’m in, Harbor.” He pressed his lips to my trembling ones. A tear ran down my cheek. He wasn’t leaving me. “I promise I’m always all in with you, baby.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of the news we received at the doctor’s office. For me, it still didn’t feel all that real yet. It’d been a month since Harbor’s pregnancy was sort of dropped into my life, and I was still feeling a little out of sorts with the news.
But I wasn’t walking away. I never would. Harbor was the love of my life, and nothing short of death would make me lose her.
I stepped into the bathroom, chuckling at the sight of her documenting week eleven of her pregnancy, her body turned sideways so she could snap a picture in the mirror. I grabbed the phone from her, making her scowl at me.
“Just turn to the side, baby, and I’ll get the picture for you.” I wasn’t normally home on the days she did these—was usually at work since I got up before her, even on the days she had to work, too. But since I was home today, I would take the picture for her—share in this moment with her, even if I was still trying to sort out my own feelings.
She beamed at me and turned sideways, resting her hands under her baby bump. She liked to tell me it was just bloating, but I refused to believe her. Her belly was just the tiniest bit harder than her normal softness.
I noticed everything about her, and this woman refused to remember that. Or believe it, really.
“You almost ready to head out for your appointment?” I asked her once the picture was taken and I had handed her back her phone.
She blew out a soft breath and tugged her t-shirt over her head. “I’m nervous. Is it weird I’m nervous?”
I rested my hand on her lower back and leaned down to press a kiss just beneath her ear. “It’s not weird, baby. You’re going to be nervous, Har. Hell, even I’m fucking nervous.”
She laughed a little. “You’ve been nervous since we found out about the pregnancy, Elliot,” she teased.
I shrugged. She wasn’t wrong; there was no sense in even trying to deny it.
She turned to face me and rested her hands on my hips, leaning her head back so her eyes could connect with mine. “I love you,” she murmured. My chest filled with warmth at her tenderly spoken words. “And I know how crazy this is. We’ve barely been dating. Barely knew each other before I got knocked up. But I do know I love you, Elliot. And I know you will be an amazing father.”
She leaned up and pressed her lips to mine. I groaned and deepened the kiss, backing her up against the bathroom counter. A low moan crawled up her throat as her arms wound around my torso, her lips opening beneath my assault.
When we parted, we were both panting, and my dick was as hard as a rock. Too bad we didn’t have time for me to sink inside of her for a quickie.
“If we didn’t have to go for this ultrasound,” I rasped, reaching up to rub the pad of my thumb over her kiss-swollen bottom lip, “I’d toss you on that bed and fuck you so stupid, you couldn’t remember your name.”