Page 15 of Ante
“Don’t scare him off. I want him to show his face here next week for the game. I’m going to show him what happens when he crosses me.”
“You think he’ll still come?” Bronwyn tips his head to the side.
“I know he will. He paid the ante. He won’t risk losing out on the winnings,” I say.
Bronwyn nods in agreement and moves toward the door. He stops short. “I’ll come back tomorrow. I’m going to be a part of her life. I don’t have to threaten you because you know what will happen if you hurt her.” Then he’s gone.
“Don’t worry.” I sit on the love seat across fromBabushka. “We need to get some of your soup in her when she wakes next time,” I tell her as I lean forward and think over everything that just transpired.
“She’s very delicate. Is she strong enough for this life? It could eat her alive.”
“I’ll do whatever needs to be done to be by Andrei’s side.” Sparrow’s voice rings out through the room.
I look over to see her standing in the doorway. My dogs are up on their feet and sniffing her. She isn’t afraid of them, just like I figured. They’re all close already. I move toward her.
“Did he leave?” She looks around the room.
“Da,” I answer, and she smiles at me.
“Who are these babies?” Her voice has a sweetness to it as she looks down at them.
“Sasha.” I pat her head. “Boris.” I pat his next.
She reaches down and pats their heads. They come to her waist, and she leans over for them to each lick a cheek. They don’t lick my face, but they kiss her.
Carefully, I move her to the bar and help her up. She sits there and takes in the bowl of brothy soupBabushkaplaces before her. Sparrow immediately takes a spoon and eats. She doesn’t ask what it is, she just digs in. Makes me realize how long she probably went without food.
“It’s schavel borscht.”Babushkaoffers her a slice of thick bread. “I used to make it for the kids when they were sick.”
“Kids?” She tips her head to the side, her long hair falling over her shoulder. She wraps her hands in it and pulls it back then knots it on top of her head. She does it without a tie of any kind, and I just watch every movement she makes.
“Andrei and his brother and sister, Grayson and Ridley.”Babushkasteps back from the counter to get the tea she made for her. The black tea can be strong, and I notice my girl’s body cringes slightly. “Let me sweeten that for you. How do you like your tea? Or would you prefer jasmine or ginger? I have both.”
“Can I have a splash of milk or cream, please? No sweetener if you use cream. If milk, just a small spoon of honey.”
Babushkadoes as she’s instructed and hands it over to her. I move to sit next to her, needing to be close by. I watch as she lifts the cup. Her soft, sweet lips curl around the rim and I’m jealous. She takes a small sip and then hums her joy.
“Perfect. Thank you. I don’t get to drink tea often. It’s one of my favorite beverages.”
“Why?” I can’t help the growl in my voice.
Sparrow reaches out and rests her delicate hand on my arm. I look down at it for a moment before looking back up at her.
“So, Grayson and Andrei used to get into so much trouble. It was comical at times. But when they both went away as teenagers, it was so hard on Ley.”Babushkachanges the subject, and I’m glad she does. I’m angry with Brett for taking so much from this precious soul. Sparrow is so delicate and caring of others.
“Ley?” she asks, and takes another bite of her soup.
“Ley is what we call Ridley. Her stupid mother didn’t know if she was having a boy or girl, so she gave her that name. She deserves a much prettier name—”
“Ley is a pretty name.” I interrupt and burst into laughter. “If there is one thing Ley is, it’s not a pretty name girl.” I turn to Sparrow. “Don’t get me wrong, my sister is stunningly beautiful, but she’d kick the ass of any man who called her pretty. Or said she needed a pretty girl name.” As I laugh, so do Mikhail and Dmitri behind me.
“She’d wipe the floor with their asses.” Dmitri chuckles. Sparrow turns to look at him and smiles.
“She can fight too? I wish I could fight. Maybe Brett wouldn’t have hurt me if I could.” Her voice is soft, but we all hear it.
“Sparrow, I’ll teach you,” Dmitri offers, and I nod.
“I will too,ptitsa. You will know how to defend yourself.”