Page 48 of Nanny For The Silver Fox Single
"Sure, what's up?"
"I have to go to Frankfurt for business in a couple of days, and I want to bring Carmen along. I'd like you to come too." His gaze holds mine, searching for my reaction.
I hesitate for a moment, thinking of Damien. "If I'm going, then Damien has to come too."
"Of course, I understand," Roland replies with a warm smile. "I'd be happy to have him join us."
The tension in my chest eases, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Then, of course, we'll go," I say, returning his smile. I have only been to Mexico, so going to Europe will be a great adventure. I do have a passport though, as does Damien.
"Great, I'll make all the arrangements," Roland assures me, the corners of his eyes crinkling as his smile broadens.
"But what about visas?" I ask.
"You'll have to fill out some paperwork, but I will arrange to fast track everything so we should get it done on time. The trip came around sooner than expected or I would have mentioned it sooner. I only found out about it two days ago and then, frankly, I forgot all about it as my lawyer was wrapping up the response to the custody petition." He rakes a hand through his hair, and I can see the worry on his face. I tend to not notice as I'm too busy thinking about how gorgeous he is or how great it would be to see him naked again...
"Great. I mean not about the court case, but that we can get it arranged on such short notice."
"Wait, you said you have passports, right?"
"Yes, but I've never traveled outside America, except for visiting Mexico. And Damien hasn't been outside the US. I just, you know, wanted us to have the possibility to travel if the opportunity ever came up."
"Great. Then we're set. I have to wrap up some paperwork, but I will see you tomorrow." He smiles at me and for a moment we just stand there, looking each other in the eye, then he turns and walks off presumably to check on Carmen before he gets changed and has dinner.
The sun casts a warm glow over the small kitchen table as I take a sip of my chamomile tea, savoring the momentary peace on my break. I glance at the clock–it's time to head home, but I now have a smile on my face–we're going to Frankfurt!
"St. Mary's Academy, how may I help you?" a cheerful voice answers as I call Damien's school on my break the next day. I have to ensure it's fine I take Damien out of school for a week.
"Hi, this is Maddie Johnson, Damien Johnson's sister and guardian," I say, trying to match her enthusiasm. "He's in grade 6B. I need to request a few days off for him. We have a family trip coming up unexpectedly next week."
"Of course, Ms. Johnson! I'll send some forms home with him that you'll have to fill out. As it's not exam time, it shouldn't be a problem. But exams start the week after, so he will have to study."
"Wonderful, I'll make sure he studies. Thank you so much!" I reply, relief washing over me as I end the call. I already handed Roland our passports this morning, but now I can text him and give him the go-ahead for applying for the visas.
That evening at home, I find Damien sprawled on the living room couch, poring over his latest comic book. The excitement bubbles up inside me, making it hard to contain my grin.
"Hey, kiddo," I begin, trying to sound casual. "Guess what? You're getting a little vacation from school next week."
He looks up, his blue eyes wide with surprise. "Really? Why?"
"Because," I draw out the word, reveling in the suspense, "we're going to Germany with Roland and Carmen!"
"Seriously?" Damien leaps to his feet, his face lighting up. "That's awesome! Do I get to miss school for real?"
"Yep, all sorted out," I confirm with a wink. "But remember, it's still a work trip for me, so you'll need to behave and help look after Carmen, all right? And you have exams the following week, so every day there will be time set aside for studying."
"Deal!" he agrees eagerly, picking up his phone, probably ready to text Daniel to tell him the news.
As I watch my brother's excitement, it suddenly hits me–we're going to travel almost like a family on this trip. Roland, Carmen, Damien, and me. Though it's only for a few days and technically I'm the nanny and not part of the family, the prospect both thrills and terrifies me. What if this stirs up feelings between Roland and me that we can't ignore any longer? The thought of getting closer to him sends a shiver down my spine, but I can't let it distract me from my responsibilities. For now, I need to focus on making it a memorable experience for both children.
"Come on," I say to Damien, "let's make a list of things we need to pack. Actually, no. Let's Google the things we can do in Frankfurt and what the weather is like, then let's make a list."
"Wait, I'm texting Daniel, then we can do that."
I laugh. "All right." As I wait for Damien to finish his text, I can't help but smile. Less than a month ago, I met an ass in a coffee shop. That same ass is not only taking me on a trip to Frankfurt, but as a bonus, I've realized he isn't an ass at all, though his ass is certainly juicy...
Chapter twenty-two