Page 40 of Nanny For The Silver Fox Single
The shrill ringing of my phone cuts through the darkness, jolting me awake. Groaning, I fumble for it on the nightstand, expecting another one of my mother's late-night breakdowns. Instead, Maddie's name flashes across the screen, and I'm momentarily confused. Why would she call me in the middle of the night?
I pick up the phone. "Hello, Maddie?"
"Roland, I'm sorry to call so late, but I'm worried about my brother." Maddie's voice trembles on the other line, her concern evident. "He and his best friend haven't come home yet, and when I called him, it sounded like he was drunk or high at a party."
"Did he say where he was?" I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I sit up in bed.
"No, he didn't," she replies, frustration lacing her words. "It's totally out of character for him, Roland. He's never ever gone anywhere without telling me. And he turned off his phone minutes after our call, so I can't even track him. Can your security team do something? It's too early to involve the police."
"Of course, Maddie. I'll handle it," I reassure her, already swinging my legs over the side of the bed. My heart aches for her, hearing the fear in her voice. "Stay put and try not to worry. We'll find them."
"Thank you, Roland," she murmurs, relief washing over her tone before we hang up.
In an instant, I'm on my feet, the urgency of the situation quickening my movements. I throw open my bedroom door and stride down the stairs to the hallway, finding the current guard on duty in the living room.
"Call Erin," I order him, my voice clipped. "Tell her we need the team to search for Maddie's brother and his friend. They're missing, and we suspect they might be in trouble. I'll get you the details as soon as possible, I'm gonna call Maddie back and also head over to her place with Carmen. Just in case, you'll go with me."
"Right," he nods, immediately pulling out his phone.
I return to my room to get dressed. I do my best to hurry. I can only imagine how I'd feel if Carmen suddenly disappeared. I know teenagers get up to all sorts of mischief, but if it's a kid who's never been in trouble before... anything could have happened.
Once dressed, I dial Maddie's number as I walk downstairs again. The phone rings once, twice, and then she picks up.
"Roland?" Her voice is shaky, fear lacing her words.
"Hey, Maddie. I need you to give me the boys' descriptions, phone numbers, addresses, and anything that could help us find them. Erin and the team will go out as soon as they have the details. Put them in a text for me."
"OK," she sniffles, and I can tell she's fighting back tears. "Thank you."
"Listen, I'm going to bring Carmen over and we'll spend the night at your place. We'll be there to support you, all right?"
"Roland, you don't have to—" she protests, but I cut her off before she can continue.
"Enough, Maddie. I want to be there for you. Now, give me your address and we'll head over."
"Thank you," she whispers, gratitude and vulnerability mixing together, then gives me her address.
"See you soon," I say softly before hanging up.
I quickly grab a set of clothes for the morning and my work satchel, then head downstairs to Carmen's bedroom. As I gingerly lift my sleeping daughter from her bed, I marvel at how peaceful and innocent she looks, blissfully unaware of the turmoil unfolding around her.
"Sorry, kiddo," I murmur as I carry her to the hallway, trying not to wake her. I nod at the security guard, and we head downstairs to the garage together. He informs me he's called Erin and she's getting everything sorted; they'll just need the information from Maddie.
The real challenge comes when I attempt to secure Carmen in her car seat. Her limbs are heavy with sleep, and I have to maneuver her gently into place while she continues to slumber. Somehow, I manage it, clicking the seat belt in place.
"Safe and sound," I whisper, sending a prayer of gratitude that Carmen remains asleep through it all.
As I slide into the driver's seat, I check my phone and see a message from Maddie that I forward to Erin.
"You can stay in the car when we get to Maddie's," I tell my guard whose name I don't know. He's new. "Then if you're needed, you can head out, but I prefer someone is keeping an eye on the entry to Maddie's building. I want to ensure Carmen and I stay safe, and I want to know that someone keeps an eye out in case Damien returns drunk and passes out or something."
He nods. "Sure thing."
I almost laugh from the notion of how bizarre it is that I have security for Carmen everywhere she goes. Unfortunately, someone I know almost had his daughter kidnapped and it's not uncommon. Once you have money, you become a target for all sorts of foul play. I downplay the amount of money I have, but I'm guessing kidnappers look those things up.
It doesn't take long to get to Maddie's place as it's a Monday night and there’s blissfully little traffic. Once Carmen and I get to the right floor, the door to Maddie's apartment creaks open, revealing her tear-streaked face and trembling lips. My heart twists at the sight of her looking afraid. This is the same woman who stood up to me fearlessly.