Page 32 of Nanny For The Silver Fox Single
"Who was it, Daddy?" Carmen asks, peeking around the corner.
"Nothing important, sweetheart," I lie, forcing a smile as I skim the papers. My stomach drops when I see Sofia's name scrawled across the top. She's filed for parental custody of Carmen.
"Let's get you cleaned up and ready for our afternoon together," I say, swallowing the fear that threatens to choke me. As I help Carmen wash her hands, my mind races with thoughts of what could happen if Sofia succeeds.
I won't let her take my little girl away from me.
Chapter fifteen
I wake up feeling excited and exhausted at the same time on Saturday morning. My weekend is packed with activities, and while I'm ready to embrace the whirlwind of events ahead, I wouldn't mind sleeping in. The sun is shining through my bedroom slash living room window, casting warm rays across the floor and I decide it's time to get up. Yoga will revive me later, but first I'm going to go with Damien to buy some clothes, then he's off to basketball, I'm off to yoga, after that, I’m watching his game with Norah and Jacob, my childhood pals, and after that, we're heading to The Rusty Anchor for drinks.
I stand up, stepping into my slippers, and yawning. As I stretch I can still feel an ache in my back from some position I struck while having sex with Roland. Very different from doing yoga. I feel a blush warming up my cheeks, especially as I remember the sexting last night...
I shake my head. I better clear my head before Damien wakes up.
I make my way to the bathroom, then the kitchen where I fix two large protein smoothies and some coffee for myself.
"Hey," Damien says, walking into the kitchen mere moments later. "You couldn't have waited with the blender just a little bit?"
"Absolutely not, one should always wake up one's brother early on a Saturday morning," I joke. "Besides, we need to go buy you those clothes before the game."
"Oh, yeah." Damien perks up at the thought of some new clothes. Then he sniffs the air. "Is that coffee I smell?"
"Ah, " he runs out of the room and returns momentarily with a bag of coffee from The American Coffee Roastery.
"I got some coffee from your boss' place."
I shake my head. "Don't tell me you want to turn into a caffeine addict at the age of 12."
"No, I told you, they served us decaf. And this is too."
"I see. But you want coffee?"
"Yep." He smiles happily. "With almond milk and honey, please."
I shake my head. "You're gonna have to learn to make your own. It's enough that I have to cook for you."
"Hey, I help with the dishes. And I'm learning to cook."
I walk over and tousle his blonde hair. "You do. I'm just teasing. But you do have to learn to make your own coffee."
"I want to. Learning is fun. So long as it's not, like, geography," he says, pulling a face.
I laugh.
"You're teaching today, right?"
"Yep. We will go shopping and then head home for some lunch and after you’ll get ready for the game and I'll head to the studio."
"What kind of yoga are you teaching today?"
"An intense hatha class."