Page 17 of Nanny For The Silver Fox Single
Chapter eight
As Maddie closes the door behind her, I grin. She might have a sore throat, but I love the way her jeans cling to her thighs and ass. Somehow, she manages to make casualwear look hot.
I shake my head, still unable to shake my grin. On the couch, it seemed like she was waiting for me to kiss her. While I realize that would be a very, very bad idea when I've finally found a nanny who seems half decent, I still can't stop myself from wondering what it'd be like. My cock hardens at the thought of it, and I sigh. I clearly need to find some other woman to have some fun with. On the other hand, I don't want to get involved with anyone if Sofia decides to try to get custody. I know my life will be scrutinized.
I walk into Carmen's bedroom and sit down next to her bed. Sometimes I come in here at night to work, just so that I can be next to her. I don't get to spend all that much time with her during the week, but at least I get to see her when she dreams. I smile as I look down at her–all snuggled up with her stuffed animals. At the moment she seems to favor one bear that's almost as large as she is. She also likes the zebra.
I sit down next to the bed and open my Mac just as my lawyer calls–the phone is on vibrate so Carmen doesn’t even stir, and I walk into the hallway to take the call.
"Hey," I reply.
"Hey, Roland, how's it going?"
"Good. Or not so good if Sofia decides she wants custody." I pace the hallways as I speak.
"Yeah, that's why I'm calling. Look, I know my secretary was going to book a meeting, but I have a crazy two weeks coming up. I thought I'd just buzz you now to see if you want me to get started. I'll hire some private eye to track Sofia and get as much info about what she's up to as possible."
"That'd be a good idea. I hear rumors she's taken a liking to drugs recently. I mean, beyond partying. Coke seems to be her preferred poison. That might be why she wants custody to get more money. I don't know really. She makes great money, so it seems like a bit of a mystery to me."
"Right, I hear you. She's never once shown interest in Carmen before this, right?"
"Never. When we settled the divorce she was perfectly happy to, I quote "have the kid off my back" and she's never said anything to the contrary since. It's just that my friend Brett met her, and she mentioned something about seeking custody. Might be a false alarm but it's best to be prepared."
"Sure is. OK, let me look into it."
We hang up and I tackle work-related matters, staying put in Carmen's room. I can't stand the thought of ever being away from her and I really wonder what's gotten into Sofia's mind.
As I work, I simultaneously think through my and Sofia's relationship. I met her at a job interview and hired her on the spot. She was confident. Reasonably experienced. Driven. Looked smart as hell in designer clothes and stilettos. She was the kind of hungry career woman I wanted on my team. Over time, I came to want her in my bed.
Sofia can be charming, funny as fuck, and extremely sexy. Especially when she wants something. And that's just it–before we got together, she worked hard to get me. She was good fun. We did tons of things together. We'd have long conversations about stuff, usually one of us arguing one point or another. It was intellectually stimulating to hang out with her.
Once we got together and especially after we got married, Sofia's enthusiasm started to fade. She was more interested in bringing me to fancy parties where she could flirt with other men than staying home for a night. And when she got pregnant, she felt it ruined her glamorous lifestyle. By the time she gave birth, she was ready to move on, and she did within a couple of months.
The only time previously that she mentioned getting custody was when negotiating her alimony. She said wouldn’t file for custody if I paid her a certain amount. While I didn't pay the full amount, I paid more than I should have just to keep her quiet.
I shake my head. I need to stop thinking about Sofia and focus on where I can make a difference–how I do my work and how I raise Carmen, which is how I end up working into the small hours before falling asleep, still sitting next to Carmen's bed.
Chapter nine
I stumble out of bed, feeling like I've been run over by a truck. My throat burns with every swallow, and I can barely keep my eyes open. Ignoring the pain, I force myself to get ready for the day.
"Damien, time to get up," I call through his door, trying not to cringe at how raspy my voice sounds. I head to the kitchen and begin preparing breakfast, making sure to brew a giant cup of coffee for myself. As the aroma fills the air, my mind wanders back to last night on the couch with Roland, our faces so close together. But it was nothing, right? He wasn't thinking about kissing me...
"Morning, Maddie," Damien yawns as he enters the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "You look terrible."
"Thanks," I reply sarcastically, sipping my coffee. "Just a sore throat and exhaustion. I'll be fine."
We sit down to eat, and Damien excitedly tells me about his day ahead. "My business class is going on a tour of a coffee roastery today. They say it's one of the best in the city!"
"Which roastery?" I ask, curious.
"The American Specialty Coffee Roastery," he replies, shoveling an omelet into his mouth.