Page 26 of Gauntlet
“Jax and Arlo were in town. Somehow, they saw and were chasing me when I met Gauntlet,” I replied.
“How did they find Amberlea?” Drake asked Angel.
“Through the unluckiest way ever. Amberlea was shopping, and someone snapped a photo of a winner in a competition, and Amberlea was in the background. Anyone running facial recognition would have caught it. It was a pretty damn clear shot,” Angel snarled.
“Think they know her identity?” Gauntlet demanded.
“Possibly. We’ve got eyes on the house in case they go there. But we’re going to have to move Amberlea and Faelea into a safe house,” Angel replied.
“Amberlea stays here,” Gauntlet announced, and I stiffened as Gauntlet gazed across at Drake. An unspoken message passed between them.
“Not Rage’s problem,” Drake said calmly.
“She’s mine,” Gauntlet retorted.
“No, I’m not!” I exclaimed as Drake and Gauntlet continued to stare at each other.
“Be sure,” Drake replied as I frowned.
“I am,” Gauntlet responded, and Ace sat back with a frown. Ace looked between the two of us, and I wondered what this frightening man was thinking.
“How sure?” Drake pressed.
“Seventy per cent,” Gauntlet answered and gazed at those present.
“Not good enough,” Rock added, and Gauntlet turned with a scowl.
“Is for me.”
“Okay, Angel, we can put Amberlea under Rage protection,” Drake said. “That will give you time to hunt for the rest of the evidence you need to bury these assholes.”
I wondered what the hell was happening. What did Rage protection mean? Hold on, were these idiots discussing and organising my life without my input? No chance.
“Excuse me, but don’t I get a say in what happens?” I demanded. My equilibrium was returning now. I understood I was safe. Gauntlet didn’t even bother answering as he turned to Drake.
“We have got rooms free and could put them on the second floor with the rest of the prospects. Gran will have to come, too. Fuck knows if Gran’s been linked to them,” Gauntlet stated.
“Sure, Agatha’s welcome anytime. We can give Agatha a ground floor, although it might get rowdy. But we’ve got the elevator if her knees play up,” Drake said.
“Can put them all together. Gran will love spoiling the kid,” Gauntlet replied.
“Don’t I get an opinion?” I yelled, startling everyone, including myself.
“You climb on the back of my bike and ask for help?” Gauntlet asked, turning to me.
“Yes, to escape Jax and Arlo,” I admitted.
“Then Rage is helping,” Gauntlet stated in a tone that said do not argue. Unluckily for him, I understood there was no danger from them towards me. That didn’t wash with me.
“And you can take my thoughts and opinions into whatever you’re planning. Don’t speak over me like I’m some airheaded bimbo. This is mine and Faelea’s life!” I broke in again.
Gauntlet glowered at me over everyone’s head, and I was quite happy to go toe to toe with him. Which appeared to amuse those watching for some odd reason.
“Your ex and his friend know you are in Rapid City. They also witnessed you flee with a biker. They’re gonna come looking. Rage has no issue lying for you, lady. We don’t like innocents being railroaded. But if you’re alone in that house, I’m betting they’ll be able to get in. Don’t shake your head at me. They found you through facial recognition once, which means they’ve got money and firepower. You just got your kid. Wanna lose Faelea again?” Gauntlet asked, throwing down.
My back bristled, and my stubbornness kicked in.
“I have a panic room!”