Page 14 of Gauntlet
A tremor of fear ran down my spine, but I stepped into his space and saw surprise in his eyes.
A meaty palm rose, and I guessed his intentions. I ducked, expecting the hit, and I leaned forward and grabbed his balls. A squeal escaped his lips as I tightened my grip before the blow landed. He froze, looking down at my hand with his own still raised.
“If you land that slap, you’ll lose your nuts,” I warned. A part of me cheered at my bravery while the other half asked what the fuck I was doing.
“Okay,” the squeak left his mouth as I squeezed.
“Mrs Jepson, are you okay? Do you need to call the police? I saw him push you,” I called over my shoulder.
“Julie, everything is in hand. I would say release him, but Chas will come straight after you. Help is on the way,” Mrs Jepson said sweetly from behind me.
“Mrs Jepson, can I suggest you wait inside your house?”
“No, dear, I’m fine, thank you. Chas won’t be, but I am,” Mrs Jepson replied.
“What was the argument about?” I asked, and Chas leaned down into my face. Instinctively, I squeezed hard, and Chas gasped but didn’t move back.
“The company she keeps. Fucking bikers riding up and down every day. Coming and going; this neighbourhood doesn’t need the like of them lowering our property prices!” Chas snarled.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.
“The old bat’s grandson and his friends. Longhaired hooligans. Thugs, scum, criminals. People see them loitering around, and it brings down the house values. Bitch needs to tell them to stay away from decent people.”
“Think you are decent when you’re prepared to hit an elderly, defenceless lady?” I spat, angry beyond belief.
“Shut your mouth!” Chas yelled, spittle hitting my face.
“Shut yours! What type of decent guy hits a woman? A bully, braggart, and asshole! Jeez, I feel sorry for your wife and children. You’re a worm, a snake, and I bet you’re nothing without the little lady behind you,” I shouted.
Chas’s expression gave away his intentions, and I squeezed hard and sprang back, shoving Mrs Jepson towards her own house. We both stumbled as the brute let out a loud roar and raced towards me. I pushed Mrs Jepson to one side and met his charge head-on. As Chas came within arm’s reach, I leapt backwards and put my foot out. The idiot went flying, and I hustled my ass over to Mrs Jepson.
“Come on! Quick, before Chas gets up.” I gasped as I realised he was already gaining his feet. Shit!
“Calm down, Julie,” Mrs Jepson said calmly.
Calm down? Not likely. I was panicked for several reasons. One, I’d not stayed quiet and hidden. Two, I had inserted myself into someone’s life who had ties to… let’s say, a possibly criminal gang. Three, now I’d also drawn negative attention from a neighbour. Finally, I was going to get my ass kicked for defending a little old lady.
“There a problem?” someone growled, and I nearly leapt out of my skin. A huge man appeared from behind Mrs Jepson and gently squeezed her shoulder. A roar of bikes sounded, and I peered around.
“Who the fuck are you?” the asshole yelled.
“One of those degenerate criminals you were bellowing about.” The guy smirked. “Left my bike two streets over so you couldn’t crawl back inside your cesspit. Now I asked, you got a problem?” The guy’s cut said Gunner.
Okay, shit was getting out of hand. It was time to leave. I started edging away, keeping an eye on the combatants as the brute swelled up and began roaring again. The other guy stood there and basically smirked at Chas. As I reached the kerb, four bikes roared up, and men sprang off. Okay, a few sidesteps to the left.
“Got an issue with my gran?” Gauntlet bellowed. Holy crap, this man was pissed. Time to disappear. I heard Mrs Jepson muttering to Gauntlet, and then he turned and speared me with a gaze. My feet stopped moving, and my heart leapt at the threat in Gauntlet’s face.
“Stop her,” he growled, and a guy moved and gripped my arm gently. I tried shrugging him off, but he kept a firm grip on me. A kick to his ankles didn’t do much either, as he cocked his head and looked amused. Asshole.
“Let me go. I tried to help,” I snapped.
“Babe, Gauntlet wants you held, ain’t gonna go against him,” the guy whose cut said Savage replied.
“Bastard,” I growled and was distracted by Gauntlet and Chas.
Gauntlet had Chas up against a wall, and his feet were several inches off the ground. Gauntlet’s biceps bulged, and my thoughts began to head to inappropriate places. I shook myself, much to Savage’s amusement, and watched as Chas started to go puce. Gauntlet had a tight grip on his throat and showed no signs of letting go as he growled threats into Chas’s face. Finally, Gauntlet shook him like a wet rag and threw Chas away. Dear God, the power in those arms was amazing.