Page 1 of Gauntlet
Gauntlet 2012
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” I roared, my face a picture of complete disbelief.
“Luc, I need more than one man,” Tinsley replied calmly.
“So you cheat? On us?”
“Lucifer, stop shouting!” Tinsley retorted.
“Told you not to call me that. Name’s Luc.”
I began pacing as I gazed around our home. The home that I’d broken my back to create for us. It was picture-perfect and yet seemed empty. Everything was about what Tinsley wanted. There was nothing of me. Tinsley was six years older, and I had bowed to her experience. Now I saw it for what it was, empty and about her. Shit, I was twenty-three years old and completely under Tinsley’s control.
“Fine, Luc. Are you going to calm down and talk rationally? Just because I’ve slept with some other men, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you,” Tinsley said, and my sense of disbelief grew.
“Honey, it means exactly that. Means I’m not man enough to fulfil your needs,” I growled out.
“I have a high sex drive. If I was a guy, you’d be clapping me on the back.” Tinsley sighed.
“Actually, I would be planting my fist in your face. Tinsley, cheating was the hard line, and I made that clear. You can’t keep your legs shut because you’re a whore. If it was a high sex drive, I’d be doing you all over the house, and you’d find satisfaction with me!”
Finally, that got a reaction.
Tinsley stiffened and glowered.
“That was uncalled for, Luc.”
“Was it? Bitch, I just caught my best friend ramming you in the ass. Somewhere I’ve never touched you because you claimed not to like anal. Fuckin’ seemed like you couldn’t get enough half an hour ago!”
“Okay, so I experimented and liked it. I was trying to find a way to tell you,” Tinsley cried.
I got the impression that the whole fight bored her. Nothing I said sunk in. Suspicion grew in my belly, and it hurt.
“Are you fuckin’ with me or something? Do you really think I’m that stupid? Before I caved Mark’s face in, he admitted most of our circle has fucked you back and front. Ah, fuck. Forget this crap. You know what? We’re finished. There’s no coming back from this,” I said, suddenly tired.
Now I saw panic in Tinsley’s eyes.
“What do you mean? We’re getting married in six months!”
“Nah, I’m done with this shit. Ain’t no excuse for being a cheating cunt, and that’s exactly what you are. Go on, admit it; the attraction is the money!”
I looked down at my phone as I tapped frantically.
“No, it’s not! I love you!” Tinsley screeched. “Dear God, I have the marriage documents here. Everything is ready, Luc. I did that for us!”
No, it was the damn money, and Tinsley would never be faithful. In two years, I’d inherit a small fortune left to me by my father. Well, it was a huge inheritance, but to me, it didn’t replace my dad.
I sneered as my phone pinged, and looking satisfied, I shoved it into my pocket.
“Yeah, and when we have kids? I gotta have a DNA test each time to check they’re mine? Forget it. Tinsley, I’d have given you everything. Instead, you’ve probably given me a load of STDs I gotta get checked for. Tomorrow, I’ll hit the lawyers. You can have the house. I want my half out of it, and we’re done,” I growled out.
“I can’t afford this on my own!” Tinsley cried, eyes tearing up.
But I was beyond that now. The last hour had stripped the bitter illusion from my eyes. Finally, I saw Tinsley for what she really was. A money-grabbing whore. Just like every woman I’d ever known. I grabbed the envelope from her hands before she could do anything with it. Who knows if I could be sued for breach of contract?
“Start charging your lovers. Before you think of raiding the bank accounts, I’ve moved my money to somewhere safe. There ain’t shit to steal. Enjoy lying on your back. It’s the one thing you’re great at,” I spat and walked upstairs.